⭐June Term: Busts Concept Design Reveal! (Patreon)
Saturday, my dear amigos!
Day for rest, printing and some updates!!!
With you, in this glorious june term, we are happy to present our concept design for the busts of this month: Gamora, Star Lord and Deadpool!
Boy, we love these!!! Dudes, you can't imagine the happiness we feel to be able to do these designs and bring them to life!! We put every inch we have on them, and in words of Awolnation: This is how we show our love!
Gamora, Sexy, out of this world, hair in the air and FA-BU-LOUS! Quill listening his favorites tunes in his classic Sony Walkman TSP-L2 and Deadpool smelling his weapons, and you know what he will be doing tonite!!! Also, as part of our ULTRA-SWEET collection, Deadpool has a couple of props to spice it up a bit!
Please let us know what you think in the comment section below, and as always, love you 3000 and muchas, muchas gracias for your love and support with our art.
Have a Wicked weekend and happy printing, amigos!