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Que pasa amigos!
When you think that your day can't be better, a Wild Rocket appears!

Yes, boys and girl! Rocket is armed to the teeth and ready to join your collections!
We love every inch of it! He is so tiny, but carries the biggest gun that we ever did in Wicked so far!

We are testing him at the moment and will be released by the 5th of March.
What do you think? Let us know in the comment section below!

Iron Patriot is aaaaaalmost ready guys! We are finishing the last touch ups and you will see him pretty soon. Also, we have an important announcement for you today! So please stay tuned!

For now, start ordering that resin, because this month is gonna be a wild print!

Thanks a lot for your support and be Wicked, compadres!




Amazing piece, this is my finished version. https://www.instagram.com/p/CyLrLihLVRE/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Man, the colors and technique are exquisite! It’s fantastic to see it, muchas gracias for sharing amigo! Lots of love, my dear dude! Write us through Patreon Inbox to give you your reward!

Ramber Rodriguez

Hi, already paid for Patreo, How do I get the files ?


Hey Ramber, what's up, amigo!! Welcome to Wicked and thanks for joining us! Please take a look at your patreon inbox, we sent you the Welcome pack there! Beside of the models, it contains important information for you to know how Wicked works! Please let us know if we can be of any assistance, and love to have you here, amigo! Happy printing and be Wicked!