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What's up, amigos!
Lets start this weekend with some sweet models!

In this saturday we bring you the first part of our January term: The Killmonger sculpture and bust! The download links are waiting for you in your Patreon inbox!

We tested it and it looks magnific! All the details are inside the message we sent you to your inbox. The printing test we did is reaaaaaaaaaally small (that's why you cant see most of the details), but even there the pieces are working together perfectly! Still, let us know if you find anything!

Now, about the Moon Knight: We are having some issues with the print test. There is a problem with the cape and we are figuring it out, and the release for the model and bust will be delayed hopefully until tuesday 9th of february.

We know that you have been waiting for the Moon Knight, but we prefer to take more time and do proper testing before releasing it, especially with the issues we had in the previous term. We are sure this is the best way to go, and even if it takes some more time, its the way we can be sure that everything will be working in the proper way. We are on it at the moment and it will be released as soon as possible. We are really sorry about the inconvenience and hope you can understand.

Still, we left you with some previews of the bust, so you can see what's coming!

This new goal has been a challenge for us, but we know that with your help and love we will get used to it and get to the point where everything works smooth. We are adapting to the 4 models per month, and we are making all the arrangements necessary to be up to the challenge! With your help we will be right on schedule in the following releases.

For now, you can start with the Killmonger, and we are sure it will keep you busy till next week, when we release the rest of the term.

Happy printing amigos, and be Wicked!


Thanks to our friend Alan Copeland, we uploaded a PRESUPPORTED version for all our patrons! You can download this version from the same Killmonger's Gumroad link we sent you before.

Thanks a lot for your help and support, Alan! It's a fantastic addition to our terms monthly. We are pretty sure you will make a lot of people happy.


And Alan did it again!
Now we have available the presupported version for the bust in the same gumroad link we sent you before <3. Our friend made two versions for it: 70% and 100% so you can choose which one could fit better your printer! Let's give it up for Alan! Thanks a lot, dude!



Shawn Sosa

Thanks Allen!

Drew Johnson

Don't mistake this comment as bitching but more of a question. If your releasing MCU versions of characters why did u do moon knight just a hair prematurely since there's no leaks or production even started to see what the suit will look like? Now from the other hand I ask do u plan to go back and redo/2nd version of characters based off of there comic counter part that you already have released (cap, thor, wanda etc)? Either way absolutely love the details in your models just WOW haven't printed one yet as I'm not a fan of kill monger or black panther and that's when I joined, but I'm eagerly waiting for more MCU characters to print!!


Hey Drew, what's up my dude! Our main focus is the MCU. But, there is a lot of Marvel comic exclusive characters that need some love. So, since we had a spot left in this term (we had the killmonger paired with the Black Panther released in december) we decided to give a Marvel comics character a go, and you guys voted for Moon Knight. Time to time we are going to do some Marvel exclusive characters. Also, we are planning something great for you this year. We are organizing our production side to get used to the new reward quantity, and after that we have some updates and features that will love, and will give you more Wicked each month!