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In Wicked we believe in improving by hard work.

We want to go beyond the limits we see around, and we are looking forward to become better, faster, stronger every term, every design. And we want to be the best you can get, you can receive, because you deserve it. Most of us are artist that start with a dream, and that dream often dies alone in a corner. But your light enable us to shine bright, and reach higher than ever we expect in the beginning. That's the magic of this, and we are in the road to become the best, thanks to all of you.

That's why we want to bring you some concept details, so you can enjoy a little bit more what we do, and maybe understand a little bit better the heart piece we share every month here!

First some technical details:
Scale: 1/6.
Full Size: Scarlet: 40cm - Ultron + sentries: 60 - 70cm - Ultron lite: 40cm (approximately).
Terms: Scarlet Witch October. Ultron November.

Design concept details:
The complete piece is based on the Creation of Adam by Michelangelo. We got inspired by the life's touch of God in the painting. But in this case, Ultron wants to bring death, consider himself a god, and the humanity (Scarlet Witch) has to fight back to preserve the life (fire).

Scarlet Witch: We read some comments from you guys, saying you like the classic costumes, so we wanted to incorporate some of that without losing the original MCU design. The cape and tiara is made by her Hex energy, so take that into consideration when you paint it. Also, we wanted to give her an arcane touch, so we incorporate the halo and the symbols in the floor.

Ultron: What happens when you watch Alien, Matrix, and Baroque sculpture art in the same week? This design. We wanted to understand this villain, so we came up with a couple of ideas: There is no Ultron without his Sentry army; Also he wish to rule, so we give him a throne made out of technology. Also the throne is a metaphor of a human body (top part), and he is coming out of it, referring to the fact that he was conceived by humanity. Also we incorporate some details in the base: In the chair's back we added a "Sentinel" (Matrix tribute here!) head holding up a woman sculpture, as a metaphor to what would happen if Ultron win that battle.

We know that Ultron will be a LOT of material, so we made a lite version of it, without the sentries. Both of them will be available to you in the STL pack in November.

Well, that was a LOT of text. If you read til this point, thanks a lot for your time, and let us know if you like this type of content, also your opinion about the design!

Thanks a lot for your support, and if you can, start ordering red resin and some leds, because you will need it for this term!

Be Wicked and stay Wicked, Amigos!



CrAzY Fearwolf

scarlet witch is great for resin small but very good base a bit like sanix models they are great for resin ..ultron is another one i was hyped but probably will never print it... the base is just to big even the lite version i was also hopping for a more peculiar pose like iron man etc


Hey Crazy whats uuuup my dude!!! Glad you like the Scarlet Witch! About Ultron,we will make the cuts so you can print in resin at 50% scale. We know that the big one with the sentries is gonna be too big, but maybe you can give the throne (lite version) a chance!