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Hello, and welcome to a special edition of the regular Behind The Scenes.

I bet you're (maybe) wondering just what is 'The Crimson Spellbook'. (Download Link)

As mentioned previously, I've been working on a few concept for what I'll work on next. The first of these is The Crimson Spellbook. A twine based game about a troubled young man who finds a strange book which contains powerful magic, and comes with it's own personal demonic librarian to help him use it. 

While this sounds similar to Reborn App, my goal for this game is more player freedom, while still having a main story. 

Most choices are made through choosing which spell to cast. This gives players a lot of freedom in what type of content they see. Although some actions will affect future events or the players standing with certain people or groups. 

Please remember this is a concept, thus some features have been skipped for this test build. For example, there are no CGs in the test build. The main reason for this is that should there be enough demand for future development, then I'll be replacing the anime-style koikatsu graphics with a more realistic program. 

Now back to business, as mentioned before my goal is to create a few concept demos, then have a vote on them. Following The Crimson Spellbook will be a more vanilla TSF visual novel. Expect that next month. 

Well, that wraps up this month's Behind The Scenes. 



Hey, I liked the idea when you pitched it a couple month ago and the first demo looks promising as well. Am looking forward to see in what awkard situations he will end up because the book ran out of mana. I honestly expected him to learn it the hard way on his first night with the book :D