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Hello Everyone,

Welcome back to another Behind The Scenes. As mentioned last time I haven't been working on Reborn App, instead tinkering with other ideas, and pondering where to direct my creative efforts in the future. 

So let's go into some details of that. I'm going to switch back to using Twine, but continue to make use of visuals, creating I guess a hybrid between text and visual novel format. As for the topic, well that's more complicated. 

Basically I'm going to be throwing ideas at the wall, and hoping that one will not only stick but maybe even be popular. I'll be releasing shorter games, and judging audience reaction. The first example will appear next month, and will show what kind of format I'm aiming for going forward. 

July is looking like it's going to be a busy month for me, so I better get cracking. 

See you all next time. 



Hmm. Good luck with brainstorming and I will be happy to help if you want assistance. I don't mind the deviation as your other projects are also interesting. I understand when you want to do something new. I enjoyed that magical girl theme one. I'm sure the next theme will be entertaining.