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It's been quite a year. As some of you know, I was dealing with some difficulties in my family life that threw my whole year off, especially the completion of the book which was supposed to be finished in August... coupled with some plot problems I needed to sort out, it was just a perfect storm of bad things... but that's ok, that's life... like Winston Churchill said "the only way out of hell is THRU it!"

I know this particular post might look a little weird, but I wanted to share this screenshot of the planning spreadsheet that I use... most of it is redacted I'm sorry because spoilers... but you can see the meticulous planning work I put into the books and why they take a while, because I want all the pieces to fit and work together.

You can see some of the working title chapter names... PLUS... you can see the dates that the story takes place over... I'm very careful about making sure that time is also carefully tracked.

I plan every scene when I write a book, each one is numbered and I budget the number of pages I'm going to allocated to each one.

This book will be 90,000 words, or about 400 pages.

Making sure that the pages fit within the proper 3-Act structure is also a big deal for me.

The book should be finally done by mid-January the latest, at which point it'll go to editing and then the publishing stage.

I'm trying to see if there's a secure way that I can allow you as my patrons early access to be part of the editing stage... it's tricky because I can't have the book leaked, but we'll maybe figure something out.

I hope you enjoy this little behind the scenes look into how I work!




you keep pushing with the cards you've been dealt, and that the biggest inspiration.... nothing but respect broski

Mark Zschiegner

Ooooooh I cannot wait to see what you have planned.