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Lots of things happened in April, but May has some amazing stuff as well! Let's talk about what's coming up.


Patreon Exclusive - April 2022

This is a reward video for April 2022, intended for our Patreon supporters. Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephengeorg


Vaporous Flame

Good to hear that you are enjoying your time catching up with everyone. It really hits home that we are transitioning out of the crazy times. Maybe we can stop living in a chapter of a history book soon. The shorts content has been really interesting. I don’t know how well its doing for you guys as creators, particularly in finding new audiences and bringing people across to the main channels. But as someone who has only been around for about 12 months at this point, they are a great way to experience some of the highlights until I have the chance to go back. That I’m even commenting here is a huge testament to the community yourself, Mal and everyone have created, even communities that I have been in for years, I still mostly lurk. Oh no, Kep! Glad that he seems to be doing better now. Hopefully the scan goes okay. Mal feeling so good is amazing. It’s been such a long journey for the both of you. Especially with some of the chasing you had to do. It must be nice to have it behind you both at this point. As for your own health update, it’s great that its not IBD, but I understand that it can be frustrating when nothing is coming back. Hopefully, everything will be settled when you wean off of the medication and the IBS will settle back into the more tolerable pattern. Although you will probably already have an answer by now, as I am late to the update this month. Cheff-con, sans Chaz and Jeff… the title might need reworking, although there might be history this, haven’t finished The Journey yet. Regardless that sounds super exciting. My exam from the start of the month went okay I think, hard to judge fully. Definitely the worst exam experience I have ever had. The organisers had the audacity to send an email requesting feedback without any room to put negative feedback and even finished with “What was the most positive part of the whole experience?” The things I wanted to write in that box, oh boy. Now to enjoy May study free, results not available until the start of June. Hope you, Mal and everyone else has a great May.


Hey, Stephen! I didn’t exactly know how to better get this info to you and Emmy (stuff gets buried in the discord real quick), but quickly I wanted to give some suggestions on the shorts. Looking through what they already had posted, and what’s been doing well vs what hasn’t, it seems like overall you guys need to be adding more tags. Most gaming/fandom posts on the TokTimes fill their given space after the caption with tags, variations on the game names, stuff like “gaming” and “YouTube”, things like that. The currently trending tags sometimes help, too, even if the short has nothing to do with it. The algorithm on this app is a jerk, so only 3-5 tags isn’t really gonna cut it there unfortunately. I’m not a super-expert on Tiktok but I have been on for a couple years and thus have gotten used to its algorithm, so I genuinely hope this helps! And I wish you guys luck and health in the future <3 - T


To be honest, I hadn't even really considered that aspect of Shorts — allowing new folks in the community to experience older content. I reckon that Memorable Moments do this as well, but I've always framed it in my mind as "revisiting" the content, when in fact I'm sure it's an introduction to older videos almost as often. Regardless, I'm glad you're here and enjoying yourself! I've managed to successfully finish the medication and have been doing *mostly* alright? Which, if the issues *were* stress-related, is somewhat astonishing given how crazy things have been in the last few weeks. Still, I'll take a win wherever I can get one! Chaz ended up being a last-minute addition, fortunately! I'm sad we couldn't get Jeff, but it was nice to see Chaz again (outside of the hectic nature of Extra Life). We stuck with Cheffcon because the alternative was "Chazcon", which is just too ridiculous for me, haha Hooooly cow — asking for feedback (but then twisting that feedback to be solely positive) is a WILD move. Guess they were more interested in patting their own backs than actually improving the exam. Sorry you had to deal with that! May was a little (maybe a lot) crazy, but we survived. Onward to June!


I appreciate the input! TikTok is new for all of us (maybe not new for Emmy, but definitely new for them as a *creator*, at least). We're still in the experimental phase of seeing what works, and tags are definitely part of that. I've certainly noticed that many TikToks pile on the tags, though inversely I've seen some with just a few (the viral Kep one, for instance) that manage to explode as well. All in all, it's just such a weird platform? The YouTube Partner Manager straight-up told me to just completely ignore tags on my videos because they're basically useless, but then other platforms like TikTok (and presumably Instagram) don't even work without tags?? I'm sure we'll find a good balance eventually, but always feel free to throw things my way and I'll gladly pass them on!