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We've finally taken the jump into some short-form content, and it's been more fun than expected! I'll also talk about our plans for Pokémon and Kirby, and what else March may have in store. Here's some quick links for TikTok to see what we've been up to:

📱 https://www.tiktok.com/@stephengeorg

📱 https://www.tiktok.com/@mal_makes


Patreon Exclusive - February 2022

This is a reward video for February 2022, intended for our Patreon supporters. Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephengeorg


Gabby Holesovsky (gjhsky)

I'm glad that you're enjoying making/creating tik toks. As someone who is a younger viewer its nice to see you expand your content to a new platform that primary has young viewers. Some advise that I would give you as a dedicated (7+ hours a day) viewer on tik tok is the weirder the content the better. Its always the weird content or the content that you don't put any effort into that go viral. If you want to have tik tok show your content to more people use the auto generated hashtags that they provide right before you post the video. Even if they are completely unrelated to the content. Sidenote, the "effects" are called filters.

Vaporous Flame

Hard to believe it is already March, time has been playing tricks these last… 2 and a bit years, feels faster than that. The end of morning content being good for Dan’s and your sanity is great, especially freeing up more time. As long as you don’t fill it with other new stuff which is the mistake I always make and wind up back where I started, haha. I really enjoyed the flow of the segmented Extra Life this year, but you have to do what’s best for you, your driving this after all. The memorable moment transition has been seamless. I really enjoyed Colosseum: Prius Edition this year. I only got to see a small fraction of it being in Australia, but I snuck some in at work and had to stifle the laughter. Snagged a shirt as well. Looking forward to catching up on the segments as they release. As always the bumpers were excellent, particularly enjoyed the Rhythm Heaven, the continuation of the Lord Dona’tor and Lamp story, Tom taking some liberties, the Sears commercial and Jon glitching reality. Good to know I can see the TicTok Clock stuff in browser, its never really appealed to me, that extreme short form just doesn’t quite do it for me, it’s kinda one and done. However, that said I do want to check out Mal’s and your creations especially if it is letting you be creative in different ways to usual. Absolutely wild that you can just use any music though. Hearing about the backend of Youtube is always quite interesting. Crazy platform that it is, much smoke and many mirrors. Looking forward to the new series coming towards the end of March though. All the best with the your health, waiting the rest of the month for the CT scan is rough. All the best for this Mad March.


I haven't spent a *lot* of time viewing content on the platform, but from what I've seen, you're really right: weird stuff tends to do super well, and very similar to YouTube, there's never a real correlation between effort and success — sometimes it's the easy, quick ideas that are extremely successful. We're still very much enjoying experimenting on a new platform, though! It hasn't been much stress to get a few TikToks out each week, so I'm hoping I can keep that pace up.


I'm definitely bad about filling in a hole but then digging a new one, hahaha — I think new ideas and projects are inevitable, but the older I get (and the more I do this), the more I take balance into consideration. I'm fortunately way wiser than I was a decade ago, probably because I've learned from the continual mistake of biting off more than I can reasonably chew. One of the things I've been doing with TikTok is keeping all my original files — I think I'm going to release a "2022 TikTok Compilation" onto YouTube at years' end. I'll probably have to replace the music with royalty-free stuff, but the sentiment should be roughly the same. Might be a good way to loop the YouTube audience into what we've been doing over there. March ended up being really crazy, but I survived! April will have some new challenges, but also some much needed friend time. We'll talk about that in the next Patreon video, in just another few days.