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New LP, new stream, guests, travel — all in the month of July. Let's talk about it!


Patreon Exclusive - June 2021

This is a reward video for June 2021, intended for our Patreon supporters. Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephengeorg


Caitlyn Keery

Hi Stephen! I’m so happy to hear that July saw a huge return to normalcy for you guys and hopefully has been an absolute blast so far! A little personal update: It’s been a few months since I’ve been able to comment but I’m happy to have finally caught up on the last few Patreon videos and I’m super excited for what the channel has in store! I’ve definitely been enjoying grandpa’s game garage and love the idea of having your parents play the goose game. I’ve also personally played and loved Pokémon: let’s go and can’t wait to see you both play it during steams! On my end it’s been super hectic the last few months. I ended up having a serious reaction to both jabs of Pfizer, but the second one left my arm paralyzed with brachial neuritis. After going on two courses of steroids, I’m doing a lot better now but still dealing with residual effects from the initial paralysis and nerve damage, but I at least have mobility back and much less pain (just milder aches and numbness/tingling). I also have to have another surgery this august for gallbladder/appendix which I think are endo related. My mom lost both organs in her life due to endo growth and it seems I’m following a similar pattern. Unfortunately that meant I have to postpone reaching out the the Atlanta surgeon for myself, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to in the next year. Sending so many good vibes yours and Mal’s way! It’s so important to trust your gut and pick a doctor for your team who works with you and listens. I hate that insurance has so much power over our health decisions in this country. It isn’t right and it makes me extremely upset for how much time and energy has to be spent fighting for basic health needs. Why push medicine and prolonged treatment when you could have a one and done surgery?! I remember how insurance for my first surgery told me I had to get a laparoscopic diagnosis first before doing any other type of procedure. I have many strong feelings about insurance and how they and many doctors are so misinformed about endo. That being said, my mom just personally went through this exact situation with insurance that you guys are going through now. Mom has had endometriosis for years that has been treated by many doctors, but they have been ignoring and minimizing her pain since getting a hysterectomy a decade ago where not all the endo was able to be removed. Mom reached out to the Atlanta expert and he was the first person to ever say he could help and that he truly cared. She just had her surgery in Atlanta on the 29th and it was a huge success! She still had extensive endo but he was able to excise everything that was left and she has already been feeling such relief. She wanted me to let you both know how wonderful they are in person. They really do care, and you can tell that by how they treat you during the entire process. They treat you like family. They have been nothing but supportive post surgery as well. Whatever insurance decides, we both wish you the best in Mal getting the help she deserves. Trust your gut no matter what when it comes to making a final decision. One final note, I love the haircut 90s video idea! With everything going on, I’ve been feeling really down lately. I’ve been dealing with a lot of added stress and pain/lack of energy with health which has made my projects that I’m passionate about go a lot slower than I would have liked. This project made me feel inspired to actually put time into writing music again every day like I used to. I will be submitting my song for the compilation in the next day or so and I honestly had such fun doing it! (It’s called Bed Head Blues) Have a great rest of the month, and if you guys have any questions about the recent Atlanta surgery experience or our insurance journey, I’m more than happy to share with you both! Sending love and good vibes <3


Caitlyn, I apologize for the delayed response — I was sure I had responded to everyone on this previous month, but going through my emails today revealed that I hadn't. I remember reading your comment to Mal when it came in, so I guess my brain interpreted that as a response. I'm sorry to hear about your reaction to the vaccine! That's terribly unfortunate, especially when you're just trying to do the right thing. You also have a double whammy having to deal with your August surgery. Hopefully that's gone well (or will go well, depending on when you read this). Thank you so, so, so much for sharing your mom's situation. That means the world to both Mal and myself, and it gives Mal a whole lot of hope, too. Mal was wondering if it'd be okay to message you/your mom about the experience, recommendations on what to bring/do, and recovery tips, once she actually has the surgery scheduled. Not sure when that'll be (hopefully within the next 1-2 months), but if that's okay with you, I could give Mal the email you have on file for Patreon (or whatever email works best for you). Again, thank you so much for sharing, and I hope you have a great August!

Caitlyn Keery

My mom and I are more than willing and happy to share our experiences/tips/recommendations with Mallory. The ckeery12@gmail.com on file is my preferred email. My mom said Mal can definitely reach out to her as well. She is an attorney with years of experience dealing with endo and its debilitating effects as well as dealing with insurance/doctors/recovery/etc. Her email is dkayepowell@gmail.com Please tell Mal to hang in there, she’s not alone and that there is hope for feeling better. Sending good vibes for the rest of both of your August! (And thank you for the good vibes for my surgery. It is on the 18th of this month)


I hope your surgery goes well today! Also letting you know I passed all this info along to Mal so she has it. I suspect she’ll be in touch at some point. Thank you again!