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A few updates about what's happening as we make the move into the new year, including new info about our insurance journey, too.


Patreon Exclusive - December 2020

This is a reward video for December 2020, intended for our Patreon supporters. Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephengeorg


Caitlyn Keery

Hey Stephen! I hope you and Mal (and Keppy of course) are having a Happy New Year so far! First I wanted to comment on the Christmas Vlog. Over the years, the Christmas vlog has always been a favorite, but there was definitely something extra special about watching this one. To be completely honest, this particular vlog made me cry most of the way through. It was so beautiful to see how happy you all were visiting with your parents and it was so obvious how much the gift meant to your dad. The vlog was extremely wholesome and just what I needed to see in 2020. New Year’s stream was a ton of fun and I’m really thankful for it! Typically my boyfriend and I visit his grandmother for New Years because she lives alone and would otherwise spend the day completely alone. She loves to stay up till 2am playing board games with us and we definitely missed being able to do that this year. The stream was a very pleasant distraction. I will say the one thing for me was that I watched it on my phone and forgot about the delay so even though I also live on the east coast, the end of my 2020 was slightly delayed (a very fitting end in my opinion lol) Super excited for a new GTA episode! There’s something about that series that is especially hilarious so it’s always fun to have another one to watch. I love the artist series idea and I can’t wait to check out the designs! The community is very talented and it’s a wonderful idea to incorporate the art into your merch. As for the insurance, I completely understand the struggle. I had to wait so many months for my surgery before I finally got approved after a fight with insurance, and I expect any other surgeries I need in the future will also be a fight. Although my delay was a good thing ultimately since my original surgery date would’ve been in March when the pandemic was at its worst, I’m glad it was postponed till May. That being said, I would like to share some resources I found helpful with you both. There’s a girl I follow on Instagram (eightysixtheendo) who talked through her journey with fighting insurance and ultimately winning in order to have her expert excision surgery. She actually went so far as to draft a a copy of the letter she wrote to insurance that got her the approval she needed with blank spaces to fill in your own information. I figured I would send over that info just so you can look at it for comparison and maybe some of it will be helpful (I hope so). I will private message that to you on either discord or twitter (my discord hasn’t been letting me comment lately though so if I can’t fix that I will just send it via twitter). Tele health appointments have saved me a lot of hassle during the pandemic so I hope that genuinely is an option for Mal. Also, I really hope the new doctor is able to help along with the process! It sounds promising. I meant to comment on last month’s video but my own health unfortunately got in the way. It’s definitely still a work in progress. My surgery since excision has been great endo pain wise! The sad thing is it seems I have another autoimmune issue that has taken over so I’ve been feeling very sick lately (just with less endo pains thankfully). I really hope I am able to start posting on my own YouTube and finally publish my blog I’ve been working on since I’ve learned so much through my own health journey over the years. Originally the plan was November, but it had to be postponed due to my health. I’m hoping some of that knowledge will be able to help others with their own journey. Final thought. I know I’ve said it before, but as always thanks for all the amazing content. With my health everything has been a struggle and it’s been a wonderful distraction. I also have a few changes going on in my life which Mal and your story helps with. My boyfriend of six years finally got a job in his field, but it means we will be doing long distance for the foreseeable future in a pandemic and I’m really struggling with that along with all the other health stuff. If you have any advice, I’d really appreciate it! Otherwise, thanks again and I really have my fingers crossed for you, Mal, and Keppy going into this new year. Take care! Caitlyn

Critter Lili

Hi Stephen ! I´m new here! I've been following you and Mal for maybe 7 years now! So I´m happy to finally support you on here ! Anyway, Happy New Year and keep the awesome work ! P.D I think you and Mal should keep rocking the long hair !


I'm so glad that the Christmas vlog and NYE stream meant so much to you! The "unique" angle of the ball drop was a humorous and confusing end to 2020 (a fitting end, as you said!) I really appreciate you sharing the info on Discord DM! Mal is excited to move forward, but again, the entire process is slow and meticulous. She's had the meeting with the new doctor (they did tele-health), and there's not much new info, but at least it means things are moving. I'm sorry to hear you've been having other issues (though I'm glad the endo pain is lessened)! By all means, please publish your info via blog/YouTube — those sorts of personal first-hand experiences are invaluable to folks walking behind you. When you finally do, please let us know! I'm sure Mal would be very interested in learning about your journey. I'm glad we've been able to provide entertaining distractions for you! I won't lie to you, long-distance is definitely hard... but it's doable! Talk as often as you're both able, and find other activities you can share in, whether that's online gaming or watching movies together. You can also prepare meals at the same time and eat while chatting on video. It's hard, but get creative and you can absolutely do it. Thank you again, Caitlyn! I wish you the best on your continued health journey and telling the story you've already experienced.


Thank you for the support, Liliana! I'm not sure yet if I'll keep the long hair, but I have to admit the idea is definitely growing on me (no pun intended). Hope you've been having a great new year so far!