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There's a lot of big info here. The conclusion of Fallout, how soon Fan Favorites is arriving, and what game I'd like to replace Super Mario RPG with.


Patreon Exclusive - May 2020

This is a reward video for May 2020, intended for our Patreon supporters. Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephengeorg



This has felt like a very long month. What happened to George Floyd was horrific. I thought your video when I watched it this morning was very moving and well done – I can tell you that it is has helped people in the unofficial Discord already hearing you talk about it. I’m like you in always liking to stay up to date with current affairs – seeing the news over in America and then seeing some of the news here in the UK, it is heavy stuff and it is important to look after mental health. And then there’s also our own individual things happening in our lives which add more stress – one of my grandparents injured their head a couple of weeks ago and had to go to the hospital for stitches which then led to worries about them picking something up – luckily all okay now but that was a scary day. Onto brighter topics, I thought the end screen for Yoshi’s Island was very good. I had seen about the other lamp film the day before you released the vlog on it – it was weird seeing how similar the two were but you diffused the situation well and a good outcome was achieved now that they will have gained a few new viewers. Hope you enjoy Bojack – not seen it myself. Just tried the first episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender and will slowly work my way through that – looking forward to seeing the adventures of Floof Loof! You’ve done well to get this close to the end now of Fallout and that will remove a big weight once done. I’d completely forgotten about Memorable Moments and it’s a pleasant surprise to see Breakfast Stream will have its own set – I didn’t get a chance to see the second half of the streams last year so I’m looking forward to what is inside. I can’t remember if you had talked about this in a Patron video maybe a couple of years ago but I think you had mentioned potentially doing a Premiere of a video where people can watch the video together as it goes live – that might be a good idea to try now more than ever with the videos of Moments or the Fallout Finale – people might like to watch together as a community. I would be excited to see Breath of the Wild coming to the channel as soon as that (I might decide to play Master Mode alongside). Stream I think is the way to go for recording – face cam should be ok for the bottom left corner of the screen similar to First20 recordings (top left and bottom right have various HUD elements). I think the idea of recording 60 minute segments and then swap sounds good with a couple of exceptions – I would consider swapping every 30 minutes whilst you are in the starting area of the game which will last around 1-1.5 streams when you’re both learning the controls since there is a decent amount to learn and get familiar with at first. It might also be worth splitting gameplay between the two of you for each of the big “dungeons” (inverted commas since they aren’t dungeons but they’re the closest things to them) – there is an even number of these “dungeons” so you can tackle the same number of bosses in them and the way the “dungeons” are designed, there is a way to split them close to 50/50 in each one. There’s a lot of ways to traverse the world (and you will likely get sidetracked a lot to check out landmarks and scenery) – my only recommendation is to roughly follow the main quest for the first little bit since you’ll come across some useful tutorial stuff and pick up some things you’d likely rather have before exploring the rest of the world. Having read the other comments, I can’t think of a reason to not have the DLC installed when you start the game – elements of the DLC will unlock themselves at the appropriate times and it’s better to have from the start so all of its stuff is out there in the world to find. That’s pretty much all the advice I have – the game teaches you very well and it is extremely open and up to you how your adventure is shaped – I have a sneaky feeling that you will not be able to resist the urge to try to break some puzzles like you’ve done in Morning Mario and the game absolutely allows you to try ideas which the developers did not intend on. It took 150 hours for me to complete the game to get all the shrines and visit pretty much all of the map, doing every side quest including DLC but not every Korok seed (I had about 2/3 of them, based on what you get rewards for, you don’t need anywhere need that many). That should give you a rough guide of how long it might take to cover the game, expect it to go well into 2021. I’ve deliberately kept as much of the info here vague – if there is anything else about the game you think you would want to know, let me know. I think you’ll both really love it but it will be a different experience to the other Zelda titles on the channel. Hopefully June will be well for you and your family. I’m very glad to have finished up my course and then I’ve heard that I’ll be able to start my graduate job from home in July which is a comfort when there is so much uncertainty at the moment. I’m hoping to be able to catch up on some of the vlogs from last year in the meantime! Best wishes, Ben


Yoshi's Island endscreen: Good! RE: Vlogs being boring during quarantine: Not boring here! Just shows that it's the people on it that make it worth watching and not necessarily the activity (going somewhere, etc.). Glad to see Fallout wrapping up. Got back into it and trying to catch up. I'm on Ep193, I believe? XD The Last of Us 2: Glad that you're finishing up old projects before starting new ones of that kind to get the albatross out of the way. Breath of the Wild: Fluid-length videos sound good. The "person playing" color indicator sounds similar to the Super Mario 64 LP and is a fantastic idea. Definitely add a second stream day AFTER Fallout is done. Suggestions: Absolutely do not go for all of the Korok seeds without a guide. There are plenty of them scattered around the world in the standard video game/Zelda secret-spot locations to work with. Definitely keep a hammer around for Stasis objects and having elemental weapons equipped minus the lightning ones act the same as the temperature-helping clothes. This is a game to play at your own pace as it's a big sandbox game, so enjoy it! Experiment with cooking stuff. Definitely mark on your map the cooking spots. That's about it for this one. A bit late, but before the BotW stream, so yay! XD


Oh man, if you're on 193 you are riiiiight before some wild stuff starts happening. It's about to get really good :X Second stream day is definitely coming after Fallout is finished — my guess is August/September at the very earliest (that said, I'm hoping to have Fallout wrapped up prior to this). If Fallout isn't finished by the end of summer... well, something terrible has happened :X Noted on the BotW tips, though I'm not entirely sure what they mean yet. I guess I'll start finding some of that out tomorrow, though! :D