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We'll talk about some upcoming projects, give an updated house tour (there's stuff in it now!), and also some plans I have for the house itself. There's a lot of potential here for creation!


Patreon Exclusive - May 2019

This is a reward video for May 2019, intended for our Patreon supporters. Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephengeorg



Hi Stephen. I don't know if you are still checking the comments here, because the month is already half over. Just wanted to say Good Job on the Super Smash Bros Ultimate videos. I watched them in the past but was never really intrigued by it. But after seeing you on Tom Fakes channel with the "Lumber Jack" episode I really wanted to try it myself. I bought the game and played already a fairly good bit of it. And now that Banjo and Kazooie joining soon there is one more reason to play the game. Now that I started with it, I see your LP with other eyes as I know how it is to play the game. It looks so easy when you play Ness, but I have actually a hard time with him. So, Thank you. Also your Japan Vlogs are really great. Please say Thank you also to Jeff and Dan who also provided video content. Also something else: About the "Smoking Zelda" thing. You said that some people were complaining on your channel about it (I was one of them :D) and not on the TRG channel, but I think that is, because people don't expect this from you. At least it is so in my case. It is more a thing that TRG would do and that is maybe why people did not complain on their channel. I was really looking forward to the Ocarina of Time Let's Play because I had so much fun with "Twilight Princess", but you changed the humor so much, that it was not fun "for me" after the first 2 episodes. And maybe other felt the same. I don't know if you care about this input, but at least I wanted to give some feedback. Enjoy the rest of the month.


Hi Stephen and Mallory I have been watching your videos for years and I just donated to your Patreon Stephen and Mallory I will donate to yours to as well and Buy some of your works on red bubble they are amazing by the way. But I have a question for you Stephen I have wanted to do a let's Play channel for a long time. The thing is I have I should have gotten around to it already but some problems came up that weren't in my control like I am now a type 1 diabetic. This May I went into ketoacidosis. And went to hospital and ICU. I've been out for a long time and feel better. But I'm worried about doing my channel now not because of my diabetes I also have turrets and am on the autism spectrum. I'm still very intelligent I'm just worried with trying to be get into the mix now with how YouTube is nowadays. The biggest problem I'm having is that I cant get all the work done my self video editing is where I shine but I'm still learning on how to make graphic art with photoshop like lay outs, and bios stuff like that. As well as I can't draw at all. I don't know if by chance that you maybe I could pay you for a logo for my channel and mal for artwork it wouldn't be all the time or anything like that. I know you chuggaaconroy has paid you for logos. I really want to do the best I can this lp channel I'm really passionate about. and I'm willing to put time effort and money to do it right. I don't know if your still checking these. But if you do see this I would really would like to hire you and mal to do some jobs like logos, bios drawings, stuff like that. If you do read this and want to respond back my email randallbryn1998@icloud.com Thank you for listening to me. and I cant wait to see what you both come up with up next and how far both of you will go.


Hey Bastian! A little late getting to the comments this month with how busy June has been, but I'm still reading and responding, no worries. I'm glad you really enjoyed our Smash videos! It's a super fun game to play, but as you said, it can be hard to master. Ness is a pretty difficult character particularly because of his weird "floaty" jumps. I've been using him since the N64 days so I guess it's just become really second nature now. Also happy to hear you've really enjoyed the Japan vlogs! They've been a lot of fun to put together, and Jeff and Dan did a great job filming things, too. Just two more videos and then we'll be out of Japan and doing our best to catch up. I appreciate the feedback! Ocarina of Time is probably our most divisive series — folks who love it *really* loved it, but others just couldn't mesh with the style of humor, and that's okay! Not everything we create will appeal to all audiences, which is why we've always tried to have a variety of content on the channel at any given time. We're always listening and deciding how to move forward, since we obviously want to please as many folks as possible (while simultaneously ensuring we have a great time creating the content). Thanks again, and I hope the (admittedly few days left of the) month treats you well!


Hey Randall! I'm glad that you're passionate about doing Let's Plays — they're a wonderful creative outlet and a great chance to build other skills (like video editing, photoshop, etc). Unfortunately neither Mal nor myself are doing any client work right now, as we're just too busy. I'd recommend seeking out some work on a site like Fiverr where you can have things custom created, it's a great source for things like that. Thank you for your patronage, and I hope you have a great week!