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I'm really excited about this one! Lots to talk about, including new equipment, (the official announcement of) a new event, and where we're at with the workload right now.


Patreon Exclusive - February 2019

This is a reward video for February 2019, intended for our Patreon supporters. Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephengeorg



Hey Stephen! I was thinking of going to Myrtle Beach in around October of this year, how is the weather around that time? And what could I experience when down there for about 6 days?


Hey Stephen! It’s been a while since I’ve commented on the Pattern video (you can blame procrastination for that XD). I’m glad you enjoyed the KitKat challenge! To be honest I bought those KitKats more or less on a whim since I didn’t know exactly what snacks to send from Japan; I thought that a special deluxe box of assorted KitKats would be nice since it gives you the chance to try many flavours all at once. (Even the sake ones :P) GTA Online Hype! It’s nice to see the Doomsday Heists and the return of GTA Online with friends; it’s always been one of those series that I will watch over and over again for the shenanigans. The night club was a great episode, even if it costed all of Chaz’s money (Press F for Chaz’s money). I also can’t believe it’s been 6 months since Breakfast Stream! I still remember seeing the VOD of the first stream and wondering what was it. Seeing that it aired at 10PM my time (at the time), I decided to join for the second stream. Since then I’ve tried to make as many streams as I can (even if it’s now at 9AM) either for that pre-bed show or a small thing to watch in the mornings. And now, the main reason I commented - Japan. I’ve been holding off on giving suggestions on Patreon, but since you asked for it, I’m no longer holding back (be prepared XD) In the Tokyo area, there’s Meiji Jingu Shrine. (I don’t think this was featured in the previous Japan trip) This shrine is located next to Harajuku and is a nice shrine to visit. It does tend to get a bit touristy, but nevertheless it’s definitely worth visiting once. The path to the shrine is also very heavily forested which is a plus. If you want to view Tokyo from above there’s the Tokyo Skytree, where you’ll be able to view Tokyo from 350/450 meters above ground. However, it’s quite touristy/busy and somewhat expensive (up to 3000 yen), so I would only recommend going up there at most once (The solomachi mall underneath is a great place to visit though). Another option to view Tokyo from above is the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, which is walkable from Shinjuku station. You’ll get a nice view of Tokyo and its skyscrapers from 205 meters, and it’s completely free. On a clear day you can also see Mt. Fuji in the distance; I definitely recommend if you would like to see Tokyo from above. If anyone is visiting Mt Fuji, I would recommend doing that as a day trip and watch for good weather. The first time I went the weather was bad (raining), but the second time we waited for good weather and we got spectacular views from the 5th station on the mountain. You can also get good views from the Tokaido Shinkansen on a good day; make sure that you’re sitting in the D or E seats so that you face Mt. Fuji! (You can actually reserve these seats with the Japan Rail pass) For those days in Tokyo where there’s not much left to do in Tokyo (probably unlikely but just in case), there’s some places near Tokyo that I would recommend as day trips. One of them is Kawagoe, a city ~45min NW of central Tokyo that’s known for the Edo-period architecture (‘Little Edo’). Another is Kamakura/Enoshima, about ~1h15min S of Tokyo where you can enjoy the Ocean and shrines along a tram line. Lastly is Narita, ~2h E of Tokyo, known for the Narita-san shrine and their grilled eel. For Kyoto, there’s so many places to recommend that would take several more paragraphs to explain (and I think my comment is already too long, sorry). I can give those recommendations through discord if you’d like. That being said, Osaka is close enough to Kyoto to visit (~30mins to 1h). I would recommend trying some Osaka food (Takoyaki, Okonomiyaki, etc) in the area if you get the chance to. I think that’s it for now! Sorry again for the long comment; there’s just so much to recommend for Japan! If you guys would like help with anything while in Japan, feel free to DM me on discord. (Only if you guys want to, of course) Hope you get this comment before leaving for Japan! Have a great trip! :D


Hey Darek! October weather in Myrtle Beach is typically mid-to-high 60s, with maybe a few nice low 70 days, too. It's a great month because most tourists leave by mid-September, so the traffic is low, too. 6 Days is plenty of time to experience Myrtle Beach. There'd probably be a good beach day in there (with a temperature closer to the 70s), and with 6 days you could even use a day to drive down to Charleston which is a beautiful, historic city. Or head north and see the Fort Fisher aquarium near Wilmington. Myrtle Beach has lots of options both within city limits and a short drive away!


The KitKat box was such a big hit! The idea to turn it into a daily thing was just a whim, but Mal and I were surprised everyone was so into it. Thank you again for sending that! We've probably had more repeat viewings with GTA Online than any other series — it seems everyone loves going back to it. We're thrilled to (finally!) make more, haha. I can't believe it's been six months either (seven months now, actually!). Time is going too fast! I'm happy that we forced ourselves to start it, because we've had more fun than we could've ever imagined. I'm also happy that we've got a Twitch presence now for when we (eventually) start playing games regularly. Mal mentioned wanting to see a shrine near Harajuku so I believe it must be the Meiji Jingu Shrine. So that one is definitely on the list! Skytree sounds really cool! I probably couldn't get Mal up there (she hates heights), but it'd be interesting to see everything from up high. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building might be a good trade-off in height and price, too. I'm not sure if anyone is heading to Mt. Fuji or not (maybe Chaz/Jeff?) but I'll pass along that info as well. We'll keep all those places in mind! Kyoto is definitely happening and I'm not sure how much Mal has planned out for that, so feel free to shoot me some bullet points on Discord if you'd like. I know Alex and Hayley (and maybe some others?) have definite plans in Osaka, though I'm not sure if we'll be along for that yet or not (depends what we're doing in Kyoto, I guess). I'm gonna copy/paste your whole message into our Japan planning group, and I know everyone will appreciate it! We'll all have internet while in Japan and I'm sure we'll be on Discord, so we might reach out if we have any questions. But feel free to make any suggestions! You can even post stuff publicly on the Discord if you think it'd be interesting for everyone else to learn/see as well. Thanks again Martin, have an awesome April!