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There are so many things to discuss! September was a very full month for us, and a stressful one with the hurricane. But there were more emotional things going on behind the scenes, too. We'll talk about that today, as well as what projects are coming up (and going away, too).

As always, thank you so much for your support! We could not do what we do without Patreon's support.


Patreon Exclusive - September 2018

This is a reward video for September 2018, intended for our Patreon supporters. Patreon: http://patreon.com/stephengeorg


Jaimie Aurelio

Congratulations on all the twitch stuff! The breakfast stream is so much fun. I love seeing you guys live. There’s this weird sense of connection. I’m glad there was a positive part of the hurricane. I’m glad you guys were able to have some fun family time. I’ve been to that aquarium so I was able to relive that fun memory through the vlog. I’m sorry about Mark but am grateful that it was detected at an early stage and things can be done. Definitely not to be downplayed though. He’s in my thoughts and I’m hoping for the best. Excited for Extra Life! It really feels like I’m a part of it even though I only contributed one game. It was really amazing to see the children’s hospital that you guys contributed all that money to and to be reminded in a small way, I’ll be sort of contributing too. If you had the opportunity to go back to school, what would you get your masters or Phd in? I don’t know what that would look like for you, maybe Youtube would pay for it or something. Thank you as always for all the encouragement and joy you provide us all with through your content. Excited for all the trips you’re going on. Stay safe and have fun! Jaimie

Mary Kate (wanderingstars)

I don't have much to respond with because I have a lot to do today, however I wanted to make sure to say that I wish Mal's dad the best and will keep him in my prayers (if that is okay with you guys) . Also I wanted to say that I am glad you guys have gotten into streaming because I haven't watched streamers since high school and I definitely miss it. I hope to start streaming myself when I finish college just for fun, even if I don't get a lot of viewers. If Stephen can figure out twitch I am sure I can!


Thanks! I'm glad you're able to tune in and enjoying it! Mal and I have had a blast doing them, and we look forward to every Tuesday and Thursday now. The hurricane was such a stressful situation but everyone really did manage to turn it into a positive thing. We owe Emile so much, not only for taking us in but for helping us to have a great time. It's been over a month now and both he and my family are still talking about the great time we had. Thanks for the support for Mark! The doctors are hopeful that because we're catching this so early that there might be new/better treatments by the time he starts needing them. Cancer is awful, but science is awesome, and human are continuing to march forward on that front. Everyone contributes to Extra Life in different ways! Even just being there or telling friends is extremely helpful. We appreciate any and all support for that event. Oof, I honestly don't know that I could ever go back to school. Even if I had a full ride to achieve a Masters, I don't think I could bring myself to return. It's not that I dislike school, certainly, it's just that my life has evolved to fit (and sometimes barely fit) my schedule — making time for school would mean losing time for work, and I'm just not there at this point in my life. Maybe someday in the far-off future either Mal or myself would return to education, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. ...but if time wasn't an issue? I think having a Masters in Filmmaking would be pretty cool. Honestly just using some time to return to focus on cinematography would be really neat. I love editing, but I'm starting to feel a draw to the camera again. Thanks for all the support and kind words, Jaimie! October has been a little crazy (one of the reasons this response is happening so late), but it looks like November might be the month things slow down around here. I'm ready for it!


Thoughts and prayers are always appreciated, thank you for that, Mary Kate! Streaming for fun is a good way to get started, and you're absolutely right — if grandpa can do it, anyone can! :D