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"Ehm, Falnos... Yer hair is lookin' mighty tall. Might that make stealth a wee bit challenging?"
"I have no idea what you mean, Tormir. I am simply expressing an interest in taking care of my hair these days."
"Aye, aye... And the clothes? A bit scant for a dungeon, no?"
"These are traditional summer elf traversal garments, obviously. Perhaps you'd like them in a pile next to your bedroll, master dwarf?"
" *gulp* "


One of the most bizarre magical parasites, Fabulice make their home in the hair of male adventurers. They feed on their host's testosterone and replace it with a chemical cocktail of estrogen, keratin, and a poison with a mild charm effect. These pests perpetuate their lifecycle through subtle hypnotic suggestion to the host via each bite. The afflicted will be compelled to grow out their hair in order to provide more space for eggs. They will also be compelled to collect semen by any means necessary in order to cement the eggs into the hair. This usually results in the host wearing more provocative outfits to attract semen carriers for sexual intercourse. During this process the Fabulice may spread to the sexual partner who  will continue the lifecycle elsewhere. After days of fucking and sucking, the afflicted's hair usually ends up in a massive beehive or bouffant on top of their head, as they push their lengthening hair up to construct more layers for more eggs.

In the worst of cases the hair nest eventually becomes too heavy and the Fabulice will produce a queen. The queen will swiftly grow to fill the space of the hair nest, devouring her way through hair and fabulice alike. Then she will hatch from the adventurer's scalp and escape deeper into the dungeon to perpetuate her lineage. This leaves the former afflicted now lice-free, but usually with a significant bald spot and a sore jaw.




Now I'm curious. What would happen if the Fabulice were taken care of before the queen comes to full maturity? Does the charm stay, or does the host return to their normal mentality (but not the body).


'If treated in time, the former host will lose most of the charm instinct reinforced by their parasites. However, they still tend to sport larger hairstyles and prefer the smell of cum long after exposure. Experts believe this might be a 'backdoor' instinct installed in their psyche to more easily house another colony in the future.'

yannis Lemieux

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