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Hi all lovely people....

I know we are in the autumn .... I know that everyone is making houses, and the main theme is autumn and the cold and blankets and fireplaces .... but I miss the summer!!!

With the covid we barely went to the beach. We live in a country (Portugal), with fantastic beaches, but safety was our main concern and I believe we went to the beach 5 or 6 times in the beginning of the summer, when there were still few people there. After that we use a mini pool, here at home, that our dear daughter did not mind sharing with her father and mother .... and it was crowded with only us :D

So .... here is a house inspired by summer!!! And with a fantastic pool, which I would love to have :) Who wouldn't? :D

But we continue to dream because dreams rule life <3

I am still finishing the house and will be available next week. This will be exclusive to my patrons :)

Hope you enjoy!
With love,




Hi Dinha, here in France we are unfortunately re-defined no one could really enjoy this summer with the Covid :( The most important thing is to stay safe. Can't wait to see this beautiful house :)


Portugal is one of my favourite countries! Such a beautiful country! ❤️


Things in France are so complicated. I sincerely hope that everything is fine with you, with your family and all the people you care about. I hope that everything goes for the best and that each person does their part, to keep themselves and others safe. I wish you a good weekend, my dear Sandes.


Hello, my sweat aald. Have you already visited portugal? It is in fact a beautiful country, from the North to the South, always so different but so beautiful. And the weater is great :) I spent a year saving, so I could make the first trip with my princess and my husband. It would be her first trip and the chosen destination was Nice. As the destination changed everything and instead of a beautiful beach with blue and hot water .... we had a mini pool :D But family is always good &lt;3 Here, in Portugal, the beach is beautiful but the water is cold :) I hope everything is fine with you and your family and friends.


Yes I’ve visited Portugal many times - we go to Vilamoura but I would love to go to other parts of the country! ❤️