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Edit: Work is really busy at the moment, so I'm going to keep my billing cycle paused for now. Definitely still planning on finishing this scene, so feel free to stay subbed since you won't be charged anyway. Thanks!


TL;DR - Still working on upcoming cinema scene, so I've paused the next billing cycle.

Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you guys a quick update on my WIP scene, set in my recent cinema environment.

It's coming along really nicely, but I ended up being a bit busy with RL stuff this month, on top of the scene growing beyond what I originally planned (As most of my scenes do lol). So I need some more time to work on it.

Therefore, I've paused the next billing cycle since I wasn't able to release anything this month, so you guys will not be charged at the end of this month.

While I'm here, I thought I'd give you a quick sneak peak of the scene in progress.

I decided to make the scene fully interactive, so basically you progress it by touching the right places at the right time. I also want to update everything to the recently released Timeline 5 by Acid Bubbles, as there are some great new features in there that will allow me to realize my full vision for this scene.

Needless to say, there's still a lot of work left to do!

I hope these GIF's give you a little taste of what's to come and get you excited, it'll be worth the wait, I promise!

As always, thank you for your support!



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