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Edit: I've made some small bug fixes to the scene. Please download the updated file below:

- Replaced some of the toys that were causing FPS drops.

- Fixed some transition errors in the bonus scene which prevented some animations from playing correctly.


Hey team!

Just sharing an update to my scene. I wanted to make a separate post because the first one is already too long lol.

Based on some great feedback from yesterday, I've added the following features to the scene:

You can now toggle an auto-toy which will constantly penetrate the girls, as you can see in the GIF. You can toggle it for either girl, or both, if you're a fan of ghost dildos lol. They'll also trigger a cycle force to simulate the effect of sex if you're watching from the other room. Don't worry if you accidentally toggle it on when the male atom is going at it. If the auto-toy hits the male, it'll just toggle itself off again. Send the male to the other girl (Or just toggle him off), then you can enable the toy again.

This feature becomes available when you unlock the bonus scene.

Also, the missing penetration issue should now occur significantly less. Nevertheless, I've also added a button on the clipboard which you can press to fix it if something does go wrong.

There's also now a button which you can press to re-randomize both of the girls' favourite toys. I ran out of space on the clipboard so I just stuck it on the wall near the toy table.

Finally, I've adjusted the clipboard to no longer collide with the male. Hopefully, the clipboard doesn't need collision in order to be interactable in VR. For the VR users out there, please let me know if that becomes a problem.

Unfortunately I couldn't add this same functionality to the main toys because their collision triggers are already assigned. If you do find yourself in a situation where you accidentally leave a toy in one of the girls and the male just keeps relentlessly trying to shove it in there, just toggle him off using the clipboard, pull the toy out and then send him right back to work!

So don't worry, you can't break the scene!

Anyway, I hope you guys have been liking it so far. Enjoy!



William Wilson

Damn you work fast! Update works great in VR I tested the randomizer for the toys after finding each of the Holy Grails and it worked! Only did it once because you move so slow in VR and going back and forth is cumbersome. I forgot to mention yesterday that i get a big drop in FPS when using a few of the toys (always the black ones) but others work fine. Really impressive sound effects too!


Haha no problem! After spending so long on the actual scene, those smaller changes were a breeze lol. Thank you for the suggestions and I'm glad they could improve the scene. Tbh I actually noticed the fps drop with certain toys when making the auto-toy function but I was hoping it was just an issue with my rig. It seems to affect the more complicated objects like the "penis-shaped" toys, but honestly I have no clue why! I think maybe the mesh colliders on those objects must be complicated so it takes a lot of processing power to do the physics collisions. Hopefully it's not too debilitating for the experience (That was also why I introduced the re-randomize button, in case the favourite toy ends up being one of the fps-dropping toys). If it becomes a big problem, I think I'd need to remove those toys from the scene. And thank you for noticing the sound effects! When the same sound constantly replays, it can become really distracting, so I try to make sure there's a lot of variety and I randomize the pitch as well, so you're very unlikely to hear the exact same noise twice in a row.