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Edit: I updated the download file to the new version. Please see the below link for more information:



Whew, so here it is guys, thanks for your patience! You can check out a preview video below, but tbh I recommend just jumping into the scene and experiencing it for yourself.


So yeah as mentioned, this is an interactive scene and your objective is to 'satisfy' the girls. If you get them both to climax at the same time, you'll unlock a special bonus scene. It's a big scene, but as always, there are NO additional loading screens after the first one.

There are two versions of the scene, the main one can have two girls and one male active. This is of course the best version of the scene, but I know not everyone has a PC that can handle 3 active models (I myself don't have VR so I wasn't able to check how it runs). So I also made a second version which only has one girl active at a time. This second version doesn't have the bonus scene, but you can still enjoy the other parts if your PC can't run the main version.

There are dozens of dynamic expressions and animations depending on what you're doing, body movements, audio, cum/orgasm animations etc. Each phase also has fully animated transitions (Walking animations are a nightmare lol but I did my best). There's even a little easter egg if you try to do something you shouldn't :p

In terms of replayability, there are 3 difficulty levels. At higher difficulty levels, the girls are harder to please, and the window for triggering both of their orgasms is smaller. Additionally, each girl has her own favourite toy which is randomly selected when you load the scene, so it will be different every time.

I put so much work into this one and I'm really proud of how it turned out. The bug testing/fixes alone took like 10 hours (I think I fixed all of them now!).

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it, and as always, thank you for the support <3

If you have the latest version of VaM, almost every dependency will auto-download. Please remember to manually download the below ones:

Manual download required (Please make sure you have these or the expression system will not work properly)

Sexpressions, Pose Tools - AshAurynn



Tenstrip's Expressions



Full Credits:

Timeline v4.0, Passenger, ImprovedPOV - AcidBubbles:




Sex Toys - TGC


Extra Auto Genitals - LFE


Easy Gaze, Wet Bits - SpaceDog



Doggystyle fix morph - MalMorality


Shoulder wavy hair, Long backswept pony - NoStage3



Pussy Fingers (1 & 2) - Vamtastic



Breast Auto-Gravity - VeeRifter


Deluxe Pussy Hair - SCAMP:


ActRandomizer, OrificeAligner - JayJayWon:



Cumpack - Molmark:


Iris Reflection & Eye Shadow



Expressions - AshAurynn


Auto-Labia - VeeRifter


Thank you and enjoy!



William Wilson

Tested in VR. Damn this is such a well done scene! The Arousal text turning green on her favorite toy was very helpful and the watermelon was hilarious! The only problem I had was the male collides with the clipboard and toys and his penis was going crazy on the bent over girl (flailing around and not going in the girl) not sure if this is because I forgot to remove the toy and it messed up the animation. Yes i unlocked the extra scene it worked well but the same jumping penis followed him to the other room. Only recommend/ request would be to add clipboard trigger for both girls sexy animations, that way we can watch both girls in the Bonus room without adding a 4th person. (Edit: So we can watch both faces in bonus room while they look like guys are still having sex with them in the other room)


Thank you! That's really nice to hear! I thought I had fixed all of the issues with the penis going crazy but I guess not! It happens when the penetrate aligner is stuck on an incorrect model. (For example, when he moves from girl 1 to girl 2, it's supposed to swap the penetrate target, but for some reason the swap fails sometimes and he keeps trying to penetrate the wrong girl). I'll add multiple trigger attempts to try and fix it, and/or maybe a 'reposition' button on the clipboard so you can hit that if the issue occurs. For now, sending him to a different girl and then back should technically fix it. And yeah absolutely, I can add a simple toggle to trigger automatic expressions for the girls.