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Hey guys! This was a spur of the moment thing, and now its 3am and I've finally finished it!

This was based of the Russian Aquamarine tiara, then I found that later in its lifetime earrings and a necklace was made for it, so I tried to replicate them too!

BTW The necklace is kinda buggy due to weights, it's usable, but with certain poses it might look weird! 

High poly tiara! 

I hope you like it! 




This is a gorgeous set! thank you. Will we be getting hearts for Valentines day? I'm just curious. And did you ever finish the swan tiara, and I missed it somehow?


Swan tiara? I don’t think I’ve done one of these? And all the Feb posts are scheduled and I don’t think I made a theme for them as most of them was taken as requests back in December. Sorry!


No worries, Sorry i guess i must have got confused, Thx for responding, and keep up the amazing creations