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I completely forgot that in Bleach they only use their physical bodies in the human world. So if Yoruichi wants to return to his original form, he would just have to leave Sakura's body and that's it.

Comment if you like these latest drawings or want to see something more explicit (hentai).

Olvidé por completo que en Bleach solo usan sus cuerpos físicos en el mundo humano. Entonces, si Yoruichi quiere volver a su forma original, simplemente tendría que abandonar el cuerpo de Sakura y listo.

Comenten si les están gustando estos últimos dibujos o quieren ver algo más explícito (hentai)




I'd like to see hentai with them having sex while body swapped.


Also Cynthia and Carmine next on the list correct?


Of course they will be the next ones and I will also publish the special Halloween drawing


I'm thinking about such a change, I just have to figure out how to make the story.