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Hey guys! Thanks for all the support!
So I noticed that a lot of you guys ask for and seem to really want scat/messing alts for most of the posts I make that do not include that.

The reason that I don't have scat on every post is due to most of these works being commissions and the commissioner didn't ask for that.
On top of that, after they are done, I must work on the next commission. So there's not as much time for me to do scat alts for every image or project I am working on.

I know you guys really really want it though. I am considering creating a new tier for a higher price I am thinking 15 USD for a new tier that will be able to ask for scat alts and I will OBEY and make them for that tier lol.
Not only that, but this tier would also get access to my "Art Vault" which is a zip or link from all my past work with some stuff not even on here! I think I would also bring back the polls from before into this tier. I also would allow this tier to request characters and ideas.

I know that price is higher, the reason is that making scat alts for all commissions would take time and to help offset the time/and cost I would feel comfortable charging this. Also the time for poll pieces and possible requests.

I am not saying this is going to happen, but it's been in my head for a while.

Please let me know what you think and if this interests you.


Dillon McMullin

I’m not the biggest fan of scat personally. But great idea though!


As long as it doesn’t become too much for you, I love the sound of that, and I would certainly be willing to support you making even more scat content


Sure, go for it! Outright scat isn’t my thing, but messing (and even diaper content) are definitely some of my faves.


Diapers less so for me personally, but I also prefer messing over plain scat

Adam O'Shea

I personally don't like scat myself, so I would not have an interest in it. You should do whatever you want to do, obviously, I am just providing feedback. :-)

Andrew Brown

That is fair your time is worth the money