Bambi Cloud! ☁️ (Patreon)
Omg hiya my beautiful bambis and merry bimbo chrimbo! We just hit 500 patronz so tysm and welcum all the new bimbo dolliez to the bambi4eva program! I have a lawt of awesum stuff planned for next yeer and one of them is my work just got featured on Bambi Cloud!
If ur totally clueless Bambi Cloud is a web app designed to make it easier to listen to Bambi Sleep files and Bambi-related files! Bambi Cloud allows you to create and share your own custom playlists, and then save them in your account so you can access them on any device. Therez a bunch of free stuff on there and payd fyulz if you link your patreon account to the website. I just posted awl my sesshuns and haptics are coming soon!
Ty again to the Bambi Cloud team and have fun girleez xoxo