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Oh my gosh a cuddle from Rosa looks sooooo comforting...


I've finished almost all images and animations for the first update!

I have to warn you that there is some super cringe moments è_é

I tried many time to make cartoony stuff, but it's far from being all the time.

It personally make me laugh, but I'm a sick mind so I'll see what you think of it x)

Our goodboi is so cute!

As female idle pose are now a POV of the MC, I added the mc are a bubble like that on the top left corner so you can stuff see his face expressions.

___coding stuff

I've setup some basic coding, like some functions I transfer from cwg to dh, with some enhancement.

MC will have voice and moans like the girls, some of you don't care, some of you would appreciate, the ideas was to make the scenes more like there is 2 people and not just the girl. There is also plot like the girls appreciate the male's moan so it's better if it's existing.

As some of you might not want to hear it or just don't appreciate the tone of the voice, I put the voice on a separate channel, and I added a button in the audio parameter to mute or not the MC's voice/moans, it's active by default but it's saving the parameter like other audios.

Also, the voice audio parameter should now impact the voice (not only the moans)

In order to make my coding more pleasant, I created 2 crazy stuff x):

- I coded an app to create the code to make the animations in ren'py, it's like I enter the images names, number of images, the speed, etc... and it will automatically create the code for ren'py that I would just copy/paste :D (I still have to perfect it but it works pretty good), writing all of the animations with images one by one was so annoying è_é

- I bought a stream deck, not for streaming haha! I learned that you can allow any key you want to a button, so I allowed some code that I use to write repetitively, so instead of writing it over again and again I just click one time on it!

I wanted to take a photo to show you but There is image spoilers on it x)

anyway, This week will be intense more into the writing, and I think on a week I should be able to give a date of release (that would be pretty close I think)

GODDAMN I'm in love with Rosa O_o




Awesome. I cannot wait. The in depth progression report does not go unappreciated also. :)


A little bit of humor/"cringeness" in a ero game can help to melt the Ice until the next hot scene. Good work, Ero, thanks!