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These days I'm working on:

Preparing the idle poses for the scenes, Idk what's called you know when they've got their idle pose and they face changed with expressions etc...

It's built differently as it's not purely drawings, I mostly separated body and heads.

I made some example with some face expressions, it's not a real scene.

As you can see, they're now talking to the camera.  I think to make the MC still "alive", I think I'm gonna add like a bubble with his face next to the text with his face expressions.

Or maybe at the top, because maybe there will be confusion with who is talking?

I changed Rosa's colors, it's her basic first outfit, it's too late for a change, I already made her idles stuff x)

You probably also discover Miji's first outfit as well!

I will make animated entrance, so we can better see them, I will try to make a sexy walking animation, but I'll only add it if it's cool x) At the very least I made some moving camera (not sliding image) so we better see them.

there is no Marina and no Heraless, Heraless will appear in the part 2 of the introduction, so she's not as priority, and Marina don't have a scene where she talk to you with her idle scene, so not a priority as well, I'll do them an other time.


Continuing to write a batch of content for future updates


I spend a bit of time to perfect a few things


I'm preparing stuff for audio, preparing everything I'll need, searching VAs to fit what I need, and sent proposition of work. Now that I've got a good idea with the audio for CwG, I can order almost every vocals within a single order


I've also made a few randomz, you can see some in the background, 3 males, 1 female, they're part of the story but just for some scenes/plot


I've started to make real content of the scenes, it's so satisfying to see the scenes with the characters, events, environment, I started to work on for many month!




Thank you for the frequent progress reports and keep up the good work ! I get more and more impatient with each one !


Never been so excited for a project