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Alright so it seems the previous haircut wasn't appealing the majority of you, so went for something else.

I could use the previous haircut for some Random NPC. Every time I make a new hair, it's added to my own library for the future :D

After posting the result yesterday, while trying to sleep, I had an idea.

Yes, I'm a crazy being, when I've got my eyes closed, I can simulate the softwares in my mind and work in my imagination (I just don't face the potential unexpected issues)

I elaborated a new strategy to create hair. The goal is to make is not painful, and also having results.

So After waking up at 4AM, I started to try to make it:

I've sculpted a strand composed by little strands. Until now the strands I used for the majority were called Curves, it's cool for the placing but it has a "one by one strand" aspect.

Here, it's a Mesh, so It's more "difficult" to move than a curve.

I made it bigger than a usual curve strand, as there are multiple hair in a strand, I multiplied it, and with the deforms tools, I changed a bit their curve, their scale, etc... As it's a mesh, I can edit some defaults much better.

Then I import is back into Daz3D, make the textures etc...

The crafting takes a bit of time, however as it's very details I don't need anymore to draw texture, so I economize time on that aspect.

The other cool thing is that now I have One stand is is good, so I could use that strand again directly for new hair, or make more style of strands.

The difficult point is for straight hair, when I move the hairs, It's too difficult to keep it straight, so it will require an other strategy.

So, what do you think?

These were the two previous versions, that's incredible how a hairstyle change the vibe of a character.

It's possible I edit again that hair, maybe in the super short hair area, if I can so something a bit better, but globally I thing we've got a good stuff there.

Also, last post nobody talked about his clothes, so I'm guessing we're good with it x)




I dig this one


I would go for the last one, the one with the hair forward looks like my 14 year old son