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Zoe, a main character? Vote

  • I don't want to see that b**** again! 275
  • Oh yeah, a redemption arc, I want it!! 163
  • I would like to see her again, but not as a main character. 213
  • Yes as main character, but only if we make her pay and get even more revenge! 715
  • 2023-06-08
  • 1366 votes
{'title': 'Zoe, a main character? Vote', 'choices': [{'text': "I don't want to see that b**** again!", 'votes': 275}, {'text': 'Oh yeah, a redemption arc, I want it!!', 'votes': 163}, {'text': 'I would like to see her again, but not as a main character.', 'votes': 213}, {'text': 'Yes as main character, but only if we make her pay and get even more revenge!', 'votes': 715}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 8, 7, 49, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1366}


What would you think if Zoe becomes one of the main characters?

I have different versions of the next story, there are some with Zoe and some without, now I have to make choices (not only about Zoe) to fix the definitive story.

I see it like building a deck for a Card game. I have different elements/scenes/characters/plots (= Card), and then I have to build a deck that makes all the cards work well together. Zoe is a card. I can make many different strategies with all of these ideas!

As usual, I won't necessarily take the winner vote but it's to see how people would react to that question, so I'll take that into consideration.

Note: That would happen a few months after the end of CwG, If Zoe is there she would physically change a bit from CwG.

Note 2: Also, when I say revenge, I mean you as the player, not as the MC of CwG, because you're not playing him anymore, you're playing a new MC that doesn't have any story with Zoe yet.

It's not an announcement that she'll be there, I'm just sharing what's in my mind and see your feedback. I has the idea while doing CwG artwork, she wasn't an original plan.



I would say it depend on how you can have fun with zoe on coming into this new game. I would not mind seeing more contend of zoe in this new game but not really knowing the revenge you have in mind hard to say if I would go with it on that or not. She made the choice not to doing anything more then having the main character lick her out.. Then she was jealous she saw emma doing more then just getting licked out... I have to say I need more information what your thinking...


My first idea was more of a redemption type but it's not the max voted at all x)


Valerie filled my quota of hate/revenge sex >>> redemption. You scripted that story arc really well. I don't need another one and it could hardly be as good. Also, leaving Zoe in the dustbin is an important growth step for the MC. Re-engaging would be going backwards.