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I have two games (at least) I intend to do. Everything that is intended after the next game could change, because a LOT of things can happen during a year, I could get new ideas, discover new tech, etc...

There is an idea that many of you talked about that I liked, it's about having a unique world.

My two next games would happen in the same place as CwG, not with the same characters, however, you could find references to those people.

I want to create an Island. an Island that has its own rules. Very inspired by summertime saga, which would be my ultimate game, where you could more in the city, and discover many different people and stories. That house of CwG would be located on that Island.

The next game (I really should fix a title name) should take place in the CwG house, which I will rework (time has passed), and add more elements around the house to feel less isolated.

I've started to build elements that let me build the island: Simplified Models of buildings, trees, etc... I want to create all of these myself.

I've evolved a lot in ren'py coding and art during CwG, I guess I will continue my evolution during that one, before starting the very big game.

I think I will be fixed to this current art style, maybe evolve the shading, and lights, or create better models of things, faces, and bodies, but overall it would keep that style.

The big game after the next one will be my ultimate creation (not meaning the last), for now, it would look like you arrive on an island (it's like a city-island, not a savage island) that obeys its own rules like a mini country, You would also find mysteries, and a bit of magic and fantasy stuff (but secret to the normal people), maybe some sort of heroes and villains, etc... I will adapt what I prepared while I make the next game, depending on what I "can" do.
I will probably continue to build the city island while working on the next game, my goal is to have the island (almost) finished when the next game is finished.

I will share from time to time the progression of that big map.


  • The next game takes place in the same house of CwG but in the future, with more stuff around the house and evolved house.
    EDIT: I may change my mind after starting to work on the house... I give myself a week to change my mind or not.
  • A big game where you discover an island-city-country (Where the CwG house is located) with a bit of fantasy, and mysteries and where all women are super horny :p (there is a reason for that, but it's secret for now)
I talked about a big fantasy universe months ago, I still keep it in mind but I think it's too ambitious for me, for now. Maybe I would make it after many years, or maybe I would make it in a different format, I don't know. I will continue to earn more experience, I'll see about that in the far future.

I just wanted to share my current thoughts & projects, but I'm still a human haha, I will adapt everything, taking into account what I can do without killing myself, my goal is to keep having fun creating stuff. I probably want to add too much stuff and I will have to make choices haha!




Can’t wait! Can we customize our own character 👉👈 or at least him having a tan/new hair style


When is yasmina coming into play


I second this. Different hair colors, hairstyles, skin colors, and other features