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Hello there!

This update is really good on my perspective. However, I previously gave the date of 27th of June, I would probably be a little bit later, There is only 24h left for me and I think I need more than 24h to finish.

I still think I can finish before July, I'll keep you updated!

I did a lot more images than I expected, in a shorter period of time (1 month), I think I worked greatly this month :D 

I enjoy more and more wide angle view on the characters!

Like Last time, once I post this new update for Beta testers, I will do a daily life update for July, completing some events for the 4 girls




Really excited for the update. You are a very talented person


Love the game and everything! Take your time mate!


Take your time i think it will be great.^^


Looking forward to it but don't over work yourself I'd gladly wait for a quality update


<p style="color: #008600;">Your efforts are greatly appreciated, don't worry about the release date and focus on the update now.</p>




patience for perfection, im waiting for the 4th lady


Friendly suggestion why dont you instead of giving a release date that you are unsure if you will meet just put out weekly updates about how far you are to being done?

Chien Liang James

Many people look forward to your work. Some commitments can be stressful. But the decision is up to you . But don't be discouraged your work is always good


Hi ero, will u give us some updates?


Take as much time as you need to complete everything, I'm sure this update should be great!