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Some people might have problems with dropbox, particularly on installing the .apk for android.

It was weird because it was systematic but I don't get a lot of android problem from the android version of the Itchio version.

I tried to download the itchio version on my phone and the dropbox version to compare:
It's true, when I click on the downloaded content by dropbox, it doesn't open, I have to look for the file from the smartphone itself.
The itchio version directly installs it when I click on it.

(I'm not talking about the case of when the app key is reset and you have to uninstall and restart)

So, to avoid the big batch of Android problems feedback every new update, I tried to work with Itchio for the beta test distribution.

A simple way to do this is that I created a private itchio page, that is asking for a password.

For every future version I will actualize this page with the new versions, and share the password that I change every new version.

I know that I can also link it to patreon, however it would mean that every  patrons have to create itchio account etc... Could be annoying.


So, this is a test:


Password: zoecucked

This is the exact same version that I shared a few days ago. I hope it will eliminate problems for many people concerning the android version. There still is the "authorize unknown app" filter I guess, it's not a complete solution.



Alright, tested on my smartphone, I could have clicked on the downloaded content and it installed correctly!


I love the password


Mine installed correctly but would open previous version I Uninstalled later version and it opened up just fine


I tried ot and it still didn't install the update, sometimes I can install it and sometimes it doesn't work, can you help please, when I download from either Dropbox or itchio it does not install on my android.


Still have the same content before I came a beta tester


What about iOS?


Everything is honestly good did not expect it to be this much content. I know its rough creating everything so its dope. I really prefer Emma and Sarena the most then Valerie then Berry tbh. Keep up the good work


Worked perfectly fine for me. Def an upgrade from dropbox


It worked just as intended thank you. I also like this over dropbox because mine for some reason required me to download all three files instead of letting me just choose the pc version


Yeah mine worked just fine


Does this not work with windows 11?


Still not working for me