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Patreon is currently charging every patrons for August, so I'm waiting the end of this process before posting.

I start a new method of sharing the game's update:

From now on, I'm gonna post it as usual, AND send it by patreon's message system to people charged for the associated month. This way, patrons that pledged for July and not for August won't miss July's Update. The message with the content is send to people charged for July even if they left before August.

I intend to do like this for every following updates, so if I ever am late again, nobody will miss anything if they leave before I finish it. I would also be less stressed if I'm late, because now I know everybody will get what they want in the end.

When you pledge, you are going to receive it by message, late or not, when it's ready, if you leave patrons before or not.
I still post it in posts, in case some people pledge right after I send the messages, so they could still get it through the posts.

This is actually how it works in "artworks patreon" I usually follow, people receive content of a month the first week of the "following" month, but I don't especially want to do the same, I just post it when it's finished (but I still prefer before the next month)


That being said, I just wanted to share my thoughts about pledging on patreon in general (not especially me).

To me, it's not like when you buy something in a store. When you pledge, you support the "work" of the creator for the month.

A lot of Game takes 3 to 4 month to create an update (I don't blame anyone, I say it as a fact, they probably have more content for example), but the patrons that pledge during month without any update are supporting the work that the creator(s) put during the month.
In general, I think a 4 month update take "4 month of work" and not "1 month of work every 3 month", so it's not a "lost" money, as a support point of view.

I still understand some people doesn't earn a lot of money and want to make it worth, that's also why I personally prefer to keep the 1 update per month release.


So for my case, I intend to continue to share 1 update per month, I am still trying to finish it before the end of month BUT now that I chose a new method of sharing that make "worth" the money of patrons, I would feel less pressured to share it a few days late.


I post 0.1.9 (Emma's update) After the patreon process for August (it takes a day approximately)
I repeat, you should receive 0.1.9 if you pledged for July but not for August.

The next week I post for free on itch.io and newgrounds.

I plan to release Berry's update 0.2 end of August for beta tester patrons (once again, if I'm late, which I'm gonna try not to be, you are still receiving the update message if you pledged during August and left before the release or not.)



Thanks for the transparency 🙌🏽 I think this works for everyone

Antonio Williams

...Hey, What's Good??? Just Pledged 2 Days Ago. But I Have Been Following This AWESOME Game For A While Now (HOTTT As Fuck). But Yeah, This Method Sounds Smart... xD xD xD


For me that is perfectly ok. The one thing that annoys me tonight I go for 1 week on vacation. So as I know me the update comes exactly when I'm gone.^^


I stumbled upon this game and accidentally pledged but after playing the game and see all the effort I know when I get the Chance I'm supporting the most I can


so when can I play


Thanks for all your hard work. You have a great product and I'll continue paying every month because I see the potential! Don't stress. Keep up the good work!

Mr. Croissant

How will i know that i have received the update from pledging if done so?

Vincent Morasse

So we should be expecting a message for 0.1.9 tomorrow?…

Dank Memer

hmmm i personally prefer bigger updates generally but i do think for a 1 month update it's a pretty good amount of content. i think maybe for me 2 month worth's content every 2 months would be ideal but i definitely think the current amount/frequency is good. i gotta say i really liked this new update. emma was my least interested character for me until now. i really like the direction her sexual dynamic/character arc is going. i feel like now she's on par with the other characters hotness in terms of story/personality. also the art in this update seemed much more consistent to the higher quality art that has been in the game so far which is excellent to see because when confined with goddesses shines, it really shines.