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So, I'm doing a short break from levels, I'm working on something else.

I want to work on things I didn't take time to work on.

- TV

- Jacuzzi

- Dinner time

- Cook

- Possibility to rename girl's surnames.

- An updated Guide. Not describing quests but explaining how things works, when girls appear in the morning or at the shower, what you can do in the navigations etc...

- Other things "if" I've got time such as animating leveling-up

Tv, Jacuzzi, dinnertime, cook were supposed to be like other events but after working on it I changed my plans.

A new stats will appear in the next version, it will be the bounds between girls, their affection to each others.

The 4 new activities will increase this score, for example if you do a TV night with Sarena and Valerie, it will increase their specific "affection", and also trigger scenes if their affection is high enough in long term (for now you'll only see the visuals for level 1). Scenes for level 2 and more will be for individual, however it could trigger threesomes at the end if they're max level and their affection is high enough.

Of course member of the same family won't touch each others, I'm sorry but that's the rule. However I think it they take turns without touching each others it should be okay. (Affection does not mean sexual affection.)

What is affection for?

It should be used in later game, to decide if a character accept that you do things with another or not, if she likes her enough.

Future scenes example if their affection for each other is high enough:

  • Sarena and Berry double Dom to you
  • Berry and Emma: The clash of generation, who will make you c*m first?
  • Sarena+dildobelt+ you = Valerie double pen
  • Double sub with Emma and Val
  • ETC...

Could also change the turns of events when a girl caught you with another girl... Hmmmmmmmm!

Activities with girls


You can watch TV with:

  • Emma and Sarena
  • Berry and Valerie

Teaser: Horror or Erotic?


You can cook with:

  • Sarena and Valerie
  • Berry and Emma

Teaser: Cooking contest!


You can go to Jacuzzi with:

  • Emma and Valerie
  • Berry and Sarena

Teaser: Miss bikini

You can try to imagine what can happen!

Like that, you select the action to increase the affection by choosing the activity and which couple of characters.

Dinnertime is special, it increases affection for everyone but "less", and doesn't lead to scenes but what would be interesting is the dialogues that would evolve "depending on their affection".

As usual, I try to finish this for the end of this month ^^



Oh how cool. I have waiting so long for this thank you.


I'm proposing that the first threesome should be Val and Serena


Cant wait keep up the good work


I was just thinking how tough it would be to avoid family threesomes when 3 of the 4 women are all related to eachother but you summed it up nice, thanks!


When is it out


Brilliant ideas ^^ Can't wait~

Vincent Morasse

Things are getting more complex. I love it! Can’t wait till the end of the month 🙂

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-22 23:34:37 https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.532d2ce8d2b84c9ca600c600b99581ac&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.tenor.co%2fimages%2f532d2ce8d2b84c9ca600c600b99581ac%2fraw&ehk=NF%2ftOR8zwVqH%2bITK%2flSB4eRSyRNFhXLx4KeKOthtVKg%3d https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.532d2ce8d2b84c9ca600c600b99581ac&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.tenor.co%2fimages%2f532d2ce8d2b84c9ca600c600b99581ac%2fraw&ehk=NF%2ftOR8zwVqH%2bITK%2flSB4eRSyRNFhXLx4KeKOthtVKg%3d
2021-05-31 20:12:46 https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.532d2ce8d2b84c9ca600c600b99581ac&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.tenor.co%2fimages%2f532d2ce8d2b84c9ca600c600b99581ac%2fraw&ehk=NF%2ftOR8zwVqH%2bITK%2flSB4eRSyRNFhXLx4KeKOthtVKg%3d https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.532d2ce8d2b84c9ca600c600b99581ac&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.tenor.co%2fimages%2f532d2ce8d2b84c9ca600c600b99581ac%2fraw&ehk=NF%2ftOR8zwVqH%2bITK%2flSB4eRSyRNFhXLx4KeKOthtVKg%3d

https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.532d2ce8d2b84c9ca600c600b99581ac&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.tenor.co%2fimages%2f532d2ce8d2b84c9ca600c600b99581ac%2fraw&ehk=NF%2ftOR8zwVqH%2bITK%2flSB4eRSyRNFhXLx4KeKOthtVKg%3d https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.532d2ce8d2b84c9ca600c600b99581ac&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.tenor.co%2fimages%2f532d2ce8d2b84c9ca600c600b99581ac%2fraw&ehk=NF%2ftOR8zwVqH%2bITK%2flSB4eRSyRNFhXLx4KeKOthtVKg%3d


When is the new Content coming in this Month???