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You were around 1000 persons to vote! I share my own vote to participate as well to make it fair :D
Sarena won the marriage poll by far, and Berry is second pretty much close!
I vote Sarena!

Emma is the girl you want to most to get as sexfriend, followed closely by Valerie!
I vote Emma!

You mainly want to watch series/films/anime with Sarena and Emma with a bit of advantage for Sarena.
I vote Berry!

You prefer Berry to ride you by far!
I vote Berry!

You want to doggy Emma the most, but disparity isn't large.
I vote Emma!

You want to dominate Valerie by a large percentage of you!
I vote Valerie!

You accept to be dominated by Berry, and Sarena is not too far away.
I vote Berry!

Berry is completely dominating the Restaurant question!!
I vote Sarena!

All four girls are very close at the an:al question, a little bit advantaged for Valerie.
I vote Valerie!

Play Videogames, there is no questions for you, it's both girls Emma and Sarena, with a little bit more for our redhead.
I vote Sarena!

Thank you everybody, it was really fun to see the results :D

43% of you (even more if I add the "other" answer) have found my game through a non-official site, mainly F95 and Gamcore.
Still 21.5% are from newgrounds! I'm happy to see that it was a good choice of site to share it ^^ (I didn't know this site before posting on it)
Newgrounds is the official platform where I post the browser version for free of the game.

7% are there from Harem Villa, incredible it was soo long time ago!

Some of you got it by recommendation, it's so cool to know that some people recommend your own creation!

Art style, animations and writing are approximately getting the same amount of vote, with a bit of advantage for Animation. I'm very noob on the animating field so I hope I'll progress a lot!
I asked for non-patrons why there weren't patron, It's just to know, it's not a "you should become patron".
I've read many people giving their apologies, but I mean the game is free 1 week later each time, I don't consider you "should" pledge me you know.
If people can afford for it and want to do it, then it's good, but if you can't it's not "bad".
The answers were mainly because you couldn't afford for it (Which isn't something I blame people, as I said), and many just didn't thought about it yet, maybe they'll join later, or not.
The Stomach deform question... Hahahahahaha! I didn't expected that.
20% are totally against it
26.3% are okay with a little bit.
28.4% Like but not the hardcore version
25.3% wants hardcore

I personally wanted to put it but I had no idea what people likes so I had to ask the question.
A lot more people than I thought likes it.
The thing is, I don't want to kill it for people that really don't like it.
What I'm thinking, I'll try and see at the moment to see if it's easy to do, is to put the belly deform on a different layer so it could become an "option" to check or uncheck.
If I can make it I think it should be good. I will not do hardcore version tho', just the version I personally like, something like soft, and depending on the posing.

Reminder: Stomach deform is what I call when the bottom of her belly is moving due to the big size of the banana from the inside.



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