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Choice details: 

  • They are a family (not yours): Obviously you won't get related to them and won't call them by names you shouldn't :p
    It's something like you go to live in your girlfriend's home, well it's more complicated because it's not really your girlfriend.
    It's pretty classic but still efficient.
    +: People always like this situation :p
  • They are influencers: It could be like a shared house full of known people on internet, could be youtubers, insta, or even pornhubers x)
    It's less classic, and I pretty much like this idea, but I'm not sure it would fit everybody's tastes :/
    +: New kind of scenario/events relationships or plots

Sometime originality is cool but it's not a guarantee of likable content, so I let you choose :D

I already have a global plot into the house and that choice would adapt the environment & micro/private plots.

Last poll, you voted at 67% to make the MC virgin. He will be ^^. I've got some pretty cool ideas related to this! :D He won't be godlike at the beginning but he will learn until reaching godlike ^^. I will try to put some real informations (but not too seriously, it's not educative, it's still for the fun)



I would be much happier if you would finish Haven Island before you start the next game. I feel that Haven Island has taken far too long to complete.


got a couple of ideas which can involve using both if you'd be intersted in hearing them, such as: 1. could do the first classic scenario with a random or popular parody version of an influencer being included as a random event that you randomly come across and gain bonus experience from 2. could be a situation where the MC is living with the Classic (not your own) family, and moves into a shared apartment with several influencers, but can go back to visit the family every weekend and can do special events after bonding with them and learning new skills from them


Hello, Harem Island will be finished before the new starts ^^, I'm "preparing" it


it will depends on the votes ^^ if it's like 50%50% I could do something that uses a little bit of both ^^, it it's more complex because it need to serve a purpose, but I'll see about that the moment I'll write the details and it's for later ^^


I'll go for something a bit proportional to the votes ^^