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Okay, I've fixed the problem with Sophie that was freezing the game.

Also fixed some little issue with Griev and the sparring. I also added her 2 very little stuff (one when you loose between 5 and 10 strength, one when you win with more than 10 strength and after saving the Prisoners)

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BhbSkYLoGPYZ63NH-81Hz6aNuEPSqa56/view?usp=sharing




Still buggy, not only with the sparring with Griev but I can't trigger the battle event and I sometimes it'll tell me that I have to do the cunning training over again and I can't.


To trigger the battle event: Finish the recruit for army (the quest title must be green), go to your room, then the the plane's entrance. You have to finish every quest of cunnilingus training to finish the recruiting quest. Which part of the Cunnilingus quest do you have some difficulties to trigger?


Hunting is unavavible.


" Which part of the Cunnilingus quest do you have some difficulties to trigger?" I didn't have any difficulties, in fact I have finish quest it just that later on when I talk to Momo again and I ask to speak to Okaa it will just restart but only this time I would be unable to complete it. Before I post about the bugs I did manage to trigger the battle event once, but when I restarted over again I am unable to trigger it again when I finish the army recruiting quest.


I am having problem with sparring like Hellsblade (I click the choice but nothing happens)