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Hey! it's finally available ^^ Don't forget to save very often when you're doing a work, it's always when you forget to save that the software crashes è_é

Link edited to 0.5a:

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BhbSkYLoGPYZ63NH-81Hz6aNuEPSqa56/view?usp=sharing

This version is smaller the the last one, It progresses the main story and makes the transition for the 2 next Months, October and november will focus on private stuff with girls, until be able to make love with all of your favorite girls! 

This update is also a test, I tried to use the "sex battle system" on another way, you'll see :D if it's good, it should be the finalization of every girls.

I'm going back to bed, I'm sick ^^, I'm reading every commentary, so don't hesitate! 




I found a bug, every time you try to talk to Sophie in her room the game freezes. I tried to reload a couple of time and to restart the game, but the problems is still there (and of course you can't advance with such a problem).


I am seeing the same freeze in Sophie's room.


However, after talking with her later and going to the battle, I am able to go into her room without hanging.