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The question isn't concerning my game but what you prefer in game in general.

It should be a great hint on where to focus time and energy in the future.

You can leave a comment if you want to precis an aspect of game I forgot ^^

Answer with your personal feeling, like what makes you vibrate.


Naughty James

I like them all but what my main thing is, once that game and it game story is done, what will the main character or the team of them will do and if they can move on to a new game and a new game story


Consistent release update schedule.

Oberon's Paradox

Good art draws me in but I stay for good story, world building for possible sequels and lots of interesting characters :3


Choices, that mean something and actually progress and impact the story.

Doc Odd

It looks like the voting so far shows most people agreeing with me, but just thought I'd mention that I usually hate mini-games.


Honestly, I like a combination of visuals, characters, and the plot. The biggest thing for me is visuals,"Is this visually stimulating for me?" That kind of thing. If not the visuals, then is the plot sexy/ interesting? If so usually the visuals do not matter anymore. Character development kind of goes hand-in-hand with the main plot as well. How do the characters grow throughout the story? That kind of thing.




My 2 cent. I have to say Choices. It's what makes games so different of other medias, why not make the most out of it? Between Plot and Characters I'd say it's a tie. Surely if you can have both it's great, but there's plenty of good games that are either sandbox that are light on story and relies on interaction between characters and slave managers that only have generic characters randomly generated but have good story or world scenario to make it interesting. I'm not very fond of Animations simply because they are usually quite stiff and bad looped. And finally Mini-games must be banned. They are annoying on conventional games where I have to lockpick every single effing door, and it doesn't get better when they stay between me and those delicious content.

Tim R Mercado

Great visuals, and whatever gameplay leading to actual sex in a porn game. Grind is for dark souls. Porn games should be much more free with the sexy time in my opinion...but this is one reason I'm looking at your game. I can't stand games that are so story or gameplay centered, that it takes 4 hours to get just a stupid hand job scene lol. At least you let us get the goods quick. Visuals, gameplay that leads to actual sex and not teasing with it for hours, and I've got a game I love.