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On this link I'm putting every public version of games ^^, you'll also find the last version of HV, the end.

Of course many points could be enhanced, but My time is not infinite, so I will not work on Harem villa again, and fully focus on Harem island ^^

Edit: I was thinking about a system for rewards based on your E-mail but it seems too dangerous to put your E-mail on the game so I'm working on something else.
I think I will not waste time on it and just get back to the old stuff with a code to share to you.




Funny baggage, one more sweet ass will never be superfluous :) Thanks for public! 💗💗💗

Randy Brooks

What is the zip password for Insane Seven?


will you ever do Insane Seven aging i like it


I won't pursue Insane seven. I'm working on Harem Island, and I already know what will be the next one (But I'm not working on it, it's far away from now), and after that, too far to make plans x)


Just stumbled here by chance. I'm not a patron nor I have played the game before, but the idea of that game has a list of a bunch of emails sounds unwise. I would not risk the possibility of people somehow extracting this list from the game code.


hello, yes I've thought about it and working on another solution that doesn't need to use E-mails