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I've spent an hour to write this post and then the internet and browser crashed and I lost everything!!!!!! è_é (1st time it did that)
I don't have the courage to do it again so I'll make a
resume x)

         Thank you for your support! For being a patron or just people that are just following the page! 

Content for Harem Island: 

(I mean the objectives for the first demo)

  • Introduction of the story with many parts (initial situation, airport, on the plane, meeting people, the plane is attacked, the situation on the island) I think it should bring 300-400 Images including animations.
  • Sex battle system: You have a score of pleasure to reach, but you have to manage your own pleasure to not come too fast (I mean if you come fast but you reached her pleasure goal it's good). You work on it by choosing your speed and/or positions. 
  • Basic map: Moving map to map, and talk to NPC.
  • Hunting: Variable/random rewards, and variable results (you can be hurt or not)
  • Sound: I wish to put sound on this game, UI and action.
  • Crafting: If I don't take too long to make the rest I'll make the crafting system that uses resources.

If It takes too long I'll only make the Essential stuff to bring you a first version to play without waiting too long.

Rewards for march will be sent in 1-2 days.




Sumptuously! Promising idea of sex system "divide pleasure and rule it" ) 💋

David Hornbrook

I had all my text disappear on me several times on patreon. Using my ipod, and visiting patreon with its browser. Every time the screen rotates the text in the text box resets. Only way to avoid this, using the patreon app for ipads and iphones. Good stuff, just as long as I can take Sandra a long as my personal sex slave, cough, I mean assistant. Going to hunt for Momo first after that.


when the update comes out, did you promise in early April???