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(I didn't decided ren'py or unity yet, I just said I'll learn ren'py and use it if I'm good with it)

Hello world! It's been 2 days now that I'm looking at ren'py tutorials, testing myself.

Result: it's pretty simple for many stuff, but, honestly, I feel "in cage" with it :/
Something very strange happened, when I learned it, every time I was looking at a feature, I was like "ow I could do this like that into unity", and every feature I was thinking on, I wasn't sure I'd be able to do it in ren'py without using a lot of time learning on how to do it.

I didn't changed my mind (I mean taking the decision) yet, but I'm strongly thinking about Keeping Unity, by the simple fact that I'm used to it now, and I feel like wasting it :/

I wanna ask you how you'd feel about it.

In any case, I didn't lost time on it because I now know how to use the same system of Dialogue, and, IF I keep Unity, I could change the dialogue system, and directly write it into the code, and you should NOT get the loading lag at the beginning like you actually have with harem villa.
(in brief, HV is loading external file that contains dialogue, here I should imitate the structure of ren'py and directly write them into the game's scripts)

Points with keeping unity:

  • No big loading at the beginning anymore
  • Features like crafting system, inventory
  • More mini-games would be possible
  • It should look less than a "simple visual novel", and more like a "true" game.
  • More propositions of IG stuff for patrons (Like some resources for crafting stuff)
  • Only concerning myself, I'll be more conformable with it :s (on the previous poll I couldn't say it because I didn't tried it yet)

Points with switching to Ren'py:

  • The multiple save system (not impossible that I change my save system of unity and make a multiple save system too)
  • Dialogue functions like go and back into the dialogue
  • It will looks more like a visual novel
  • More easy to hack

Well concerning this last point, I know some people voted for ren'py last time because they can rip off the Images from the game more easily.

What I could propose is simple, +$10 patrons  would receive the whole batch of image each month.
So here people could get it ^^.

This Time I added the "I don't mind" option because maybe last time people voted for something and didn't 



I like whatever makes it more like a reg game. I can get loads of VN’s off Manga Gamer , J list or DMM.


Well if I take ren'py it's more "like" a VN, but if I take unity It should be more like an RPG


I figured that's why i voted unity lol. Even if id give anything you do a go at least once.


I think whatever you are more comfortable with, but practice renpy for later if you want to continue making games.


I trust you and I didn't have problems with unity, so it doesn't really matter to me. Choose the one you feel is best.


Whatever makes it easier on Ya Erodraw, I'm sure the next game you make will be as awesome H.V & Insane Seven. I've got total Faith in Ya Skills... ;-) :-P

Robert Stiteler

Unity games haven't been a problem for me, but as others have said, whatever you prefer and are more comfortable with is likely best.


Big plus to unity in my book would be Android and iOS builds. Ren.py can do Android, but I believe iOS would never be possible


I could do an android build, just have to adapt the UI ^^. But to make IOS version I need an Apple computer, that I don't get :(


Unity FTW

David Hornbrook

Why don't you try out the VNgine that uses unity. It looks very promising. Then when you want to implement mini game you have the engine to do it. Best of both worlds.


I didn't know it and I didn't found it on the asset store of unity :s. It could be interesting for future games of course ^^ (if they should look like VN)