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Just a funny teaser ^^.

I intend to make dialogues and scenes a bit more like Insane Seven than Harem villa, so it should be closer to manga humour ^^ (not only).

Miki Is your childhood friend, but Sophie is very protective with her, so she trust you but... pay attention to what you do :p, if you're a good and respectful boy don't worry, Sophie would be very pleasant :D

Okay so now that HV's Update is "finished", I'm starting to form myself to Ren'py. I'm learning the base for now but I think I understand pretty quickly!
Making a game with Ren'py should be a good experience, not only for Ren'py itself but it will also make me think about new way to code and take some ideas from ren'py and apply it on unity on future games ^^ (Like the dialogue system).

I will give you new about my progression in learning ren'py (And applying it) :D 




I really like the Insane seven characters. They had so much personality! I'm excited you're applying the humor to this new project.


Humour opens more doors than... well, not than sex, but some other things.


Sex can be even more cool when you know the story and adventures of the characters ^^. This game will have humor, action, tragedy, and FIIIIIIGHTS!!!!