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On the plane there was a (retired?) general of army and a president (deputy maybe?) that were friends and taking the plane, after the crash they will try to make order. I won't tell which country they are from. 

So as you can see, I want more diversity on my characters, I will not make every characters look the same and all cute ones. But I'm still keeping some constants, sign of my "character style", like the proportion between waist and hips, management of breast, or the "fit" body look.

I wanted an aggressive name so I called her "Griev", I didn't made research, it just came to my mind and sounded aggressive.

I won't develop every characters, I intent to do like normal games, I mean in game there are many NPCs and their backstory isn't developed for all of them, it's just to populate the word. So it's even possible I make really not attractive people (or maybe attractive for some fetish). 

Patrons could vote for NPC they want to see developed ^^.

How do you find her? What would you do if she orders you to get naked?
