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This is the park in the D zone. This is where the picnic event you've seen are happening. It's time to enhance it!

=> It will maybe be used for a future project so I added waifu in pink but they won't be there in DH.

Maybe that game will not be, but in any case it will be great to enhance because it appear in other games.

At this moment, I created the global map as one block, I will separate the spots to be able to put a lot more details in each parts.


Roaming map project.

I was thinking of doing a roaming map project (After DH and CwG2), because in long term I would like to make an ultimate game that combines evolutive map and roaming map.

  • Roaming map: You talk to people and get quests (unique) like bring them back some stuff, or negotiate with someone etc...

  • Evolutive map: It's about doing repeatable event that evolve.

In the long term I would like a game that combines the two, so you would talk to people that give you quests AND you'd get also repeatable stuff that evolve. It would be a bit complicated to do everything at once. (it sounds like CwG but I'm thinking of something a lot more polished and clear)

  • CwG2 will be an Evolutive Map

  • I think of doing a project after that, that would be Roaming map based. Roaming map is more like you happen to f*ck every girls after helping them (simplified explanation), you're not like looking for a girlfriend (I mean it could be added later on, but not at first)

The positive point of that project is that if I make a good area D, I will have the whole map already finished for that project :D

For now the objective is just to enhance that place (many events from DH will take place in different fields of this area) without adding the special characters. Just randomz.


The roaming map game I imagine would take place here, like you've just finished university (The university is right next to that place, it's the yellow building), and you are hired to make photos so you talk to everyone to take photos of them (especially beautiful girls :p) but they agree if you help them.

It could be something else, like you are from the security of this park and people needs your help, or you are just trying to make a popular instagram account and make cool photos of people, as in independent.

YES, I added an Hotel XD because otherwise all sex would have to happen on the outside, and hotel let me use only one room instead of one room for each character if it was at their place.

Good for doing things with married milfs :D (Naughty boi!)

I was also thinking of doing Day and night like they have different outfit and do different things, give different quests, or just having characters appearing only at night or only during the day. I could add some vampires, dealers, gangsters, etc... Characters could be developed by popularity instead of trying to develop everyone at once.


  • You help a woman to find her lost ring

  • A girl needs money to buy something

  • A Rich woman give you money if you help her doing something (get rid of a stalker?)

  • A girl collects weird stuff that you can find randomly

  • Security guard ask you to help her find someone causing trouble

  • A woman want you to help her getting revenge on her cheating husband/boyfriend

  • Some people from your former university that you see in a different/relaxed setup, comrades, bullies (girls), friends, professors, director, etc... It's like the summer after you finish your studies.

These are simple example to see the differences with my current games. It's more about smaller scenarios, the writing is very different, but could also be fun. It could even be more elaborated depending on how it goes, how I enjoy it, and how it's appreciated.

You can share your ideas if you want haha!


Just sharing my current will, but know that it may totally change in the future & not be released if I have better ideas. I allow myself to develop that idea because the things I imagine and craft will directly be used in DH (and maybe CwG2) so nothing is wasted.

If this come, it will be in a long time, After CwG2 is finished at the very minimum.

=> So in any case I'm gonna update that area for DH. In DH, there are future event in picnic spot, between the trees, outdoor gym, the beach part.

I wait a few days to finish 0.1.9 and then I will start a bit to work on that :D (Step by step) 0.2.0 have content around the picnic area so I ill work stuff around that spot.




Loved the part "doing things with married milfs" xD These small quests would be only to gather experience, money or grow some personal stat? Or could it be related to some character/game progression?


I don't really know at this point, for now I just think it's just to unlock content, but I think for an ultimate game it would increase some stats etc... Or Maybe People will love that project and it will be enhanced until becoming the ultimate game instead of doing an other one? :D

Shaun Rozen

I finished both games and kinda wishing for an update (insane games👍)