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Here is a first try for the Queen of Heralesia's design.

She will make an appearance in the next update but that's all, there is no interaction with her. I wrote a bunch of stuff for her, independently of DH, But I don't even know if it will be in any game one day, maybe it will, maybe not.

As she appear only one time I made a drawing of her instead of a 3D model, I would do her model if she appear in a future game (Some of my scenarios include the queen, some doesn't.)


Legend has it that when a handsome man asks her for a request, she asks him for cunnilingus. Whether or not her request is accepted depends on his performance.

But these are just rumors, there's no telling if it's true or not, the same rumors exists talking about nipple s*cking instead.


I don't know which of the next big game I will chose, but one of them use that statement haha!


This is the first version of the queen I did, before I started Confined with Goddesses, well she changed a lot haha, I kept her mole on her cheek though.

 Here is a concept sheet, I tried to make different view of her hairstyle.

I also created a new "Logo" that looks like a woman's body, and I made a necklace from that!

I also made earring inspired from Boa Hancock with claws, I love claws you can see many in Jasmina's tattos.

Her outfit has been inspired from Esdeath from Akame ga kill

Her skin is really white and teeth canines are a bit pronounced, I wanted a bit of vampire design.

the purple/green combo was inspired from Arcane, the two colors of the shimmer. (Her Iris are green and purple)

Her boots are Naj's boots, but it needs more details. In general, her outfit would probably be different if one day I make her 3D.

I will create her hair style in any case, it would fit really good on any future milf!




I also loved her 1st look, with the hair similar to Android 18 from Dragon Ball Z. I hope to have a character like her in the next games, classy and sexy.

Pratik Kine

Woah! She gives of very Dommy Mommy energy!