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This morning, I wanted to work a bit on new eyes style. I made 3 news!

The purple is inspired from Orihime from Bleach, the berry looking from Matsumoto from Bleach,

and the blue from some original drawings of Emma.

This is just a first try on doing stylized eyes, I will probably enhance them, and make more, but it's great, I think it works good with the goal:

The goal is to make them having a different & unique face. The eyes is the 1st part to work in order to make different faces. Eye shape also give a "vibe". The purple one is supposed to represent a sweet personality, the blue with dark hair is more like someone often angry or frustrated.

There are a lot of Manga that have the same eyes shapes for all characters, and if you remove their hair you can't make the difference anymore è_é

I applied different mouth width & thickness but that's all.

For now I only have 1 color shade, 1 mouth shape, 1 head shape and 1 nose shape, awaiting for more options.
I already made different brows types!

(This is not supposed to be berry, I just used her assets and color, I would eventually be close to her future version though.)

The Purple eyes shape was the most difficult of all, because it's the least realistic, so it's a lot harder to make it work with the 3D, I will probably have to make it better, but the result for a first try is really okay-ish I think.

They are not upcoming characters, I just worked on eyes shape and gave them a look to show you just for fun.

What do you think of these experiments?




The first one doesn't fit the face properly in my opinion, but the other two do. Mayne if the first eyes were scared down. But that is my person opinion and one doesn't out weigh the lot.


The 1st one is too big. The other 2 ARE really Nice.