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Ok. I will try to write some more words here today. Its difficult to express myself with words, i think this is why i choose photography as a medium. Lately it felt like i was firing blank shots with my pictures. I took it as a sort of practice, like every musician needs to practice or every runner runs every day. But with this muse it was different - and this only happens once, twice per year. She could understand what i want, what i need without me saying a word. I hesitate to develop the rest, since my internal expectations are high. So here is a preview of part 1. I need to admit was struggling with the light a bit. Wanted to make it perfect as daylight. Hope you enjoy the scans as much as i do. Much more to come!




These are super special Aleks. The 3rd is 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻👏👏👏