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It's been 13 years since I've done one of these!

The first two were like, a year apart.  Then.... no loincloth lizards (save for krayne) for 13 more years!

Now I have here an example of my new blender+photoshop technique of producing images.  I must say it took way more time than it would be worth it for one picture BUT... since I made all these guys in 3D I can quickly render and draw multiple different angles and poses.

The last 2 K&LCL pics were of generic Krayne with generic single-colored lizards.  I have made big changes to Krayne, making him a very distinct kind of lizard.  So I did the same with all the rest!

If you can name all these lizards without reading the keywords, then you are a true lizard connoisseur!

All of these lizards are native to North America except for two... one is native to South America and is invading Florida and the other is native to Australia and is kept by many here in the USA.

If I do a K&LCL 4 I'll either go to South America (A lot of cool colors there) or Australia (A bunch of cool shapes)  and maybe even regionalize the loincloths, too!

But for this one I thought I'd represent the whole world in this one.  Partly because it  represents America and out molten pot of cultures and ethnicities.  But mostly because after this, I've run out of distinctly unique styles of loincloth.  The rest would basically be variations on these six.

From left to right the loincloths are:  Langotti,  Simple leather flaps tied at hips, Subligaculum (ancient Rome),  Krayne's Custom,  Breechclout, Fundoshi

Also attached are the first 2 K&LCL pics (in reverse order) for comparison, plus a version of K&LCL3 without the scales texture!



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