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I recently looked at different pictures on Pinterest and was eager to draw something similar too.

Now that it's done, I can go back to drawing something more hentai looking hehe

I was offered to draw Julie in a pose with her ass to the top, just like cats stretching.

What do you think about it?

Or maybe you have your own ideas)

Let me know✨

Soon I will make some sketches for this next drawing for you to choose




Julie with her ass on top, cat stretch gooo

Ricardo Dueñas

Not bad. I like the color style you going for, the character design looks absolutely beautiful. Amazing work sensei. 👏 🥰🥰


The flowers look great!maybe a dull red or purple contrast to make the green of Emily really stand out for them? Emily looks great also! All those folds and shadows @_@ XD


Cute 😘