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Also see on slide 2; the actual rough sketch. Sometimes my sketches come out near perfect, other times... more blobby. Today was a blob day, initially.
Blame it on the fact that it was done at 1 am on my surface tablet - a nifty little thing but I feel I don't have a lot of control on it compared to my PC. It's almost like my eyes and hands are operating on 70% efficiency when I use it, so I mostly use it to jot ideas down when I want to be comfy.

Isn't it funny how most of my initial sketches are dickless? It's just a lot easier to draw Ken with balls and add the penis later. Looks so wrong in the meantime though 😂

Anyway! Can you guess who it's supposed to be?! I've already taken some liberties so I'll be interested to see if anyone can get it right...



Teresa Kile

Defintely thinking Dammon as well

Emily Babinat

For everyone saying Dammon, we need to petition Larian studios to make him romance-able! At the very least for the Karlach origin! He is so effing dreamy!